Really cool God moment this past Easter Sunday. While taking communion I took a step back and just released my heart to God, confession's of Fear, of Sin, of Doubt, all kind of stuff. Thinking about all he has done for me was an overwhelming moment, especially during Easter Sunday, the Cross, the Resurrection, and now ultimate forgiveness and atonement. How God? why? did it have to be that way? You love me so much to give your life for me was a joy set before you. I took the bread, and after I was done I gave thanks. Then I held the little cup of Grape juice that symbolised his blood, and while I was praying I just opened my eyes and I just froze. I looked into the cup and I saw my reflection and I started to weep. God just whispered to me that's why I gave my life and shed my blood, for you. Uncontrollable joy and weeping came over me. I could not stop looking into the cup, God, because of me, because of me, because of me, that's why? I don't deserve you or your forgiveness. But I took the focus off of me and focused on his love that's why he told me. Because I love you!!! Because I Love you, Because I Love you , Because I Love you. In that little tiny cup came to me one of the Greatest moments with God I have ever had. A moment of Love with my Savior, a Moment of knowing how much my Savior really loves me, all in a little cup that represents the biggest and greatest act of Love in history. His Love for us on the Cross.