There are many times in ones life where we are faced with a little nasty human problem. Comparisons! I often feel there is a tendency to judge the season your in by the standard of someone Else's joy, grief, prosperity, success, or failures. It's honestly hard to not get distracted with Comparison when you have seasons that don't seem as "good" as other people. You may feel as though your doing something wrong which could be the case, but there are other times where Gods plan of refinement by fire does not match our idealistic walk as a comfortable Christian. You if your like me can feel like your left out, and everyone else is just flying by you. God why am I not moving forward, why am I not advancing, why do I feel like everyone else is so much better than me now? Honestly! we as people behind closed doors ask ourselves these things, it's nothing to be ashamed of. But if you live your life by these questions and let it dictate the value of who you are then there is an issue. I don't know why but I have been seeing this alot lately with friends, family, and especially myself! It really is funny to me how we as people will become insecure about ourselves just by how someone Else's life looks. And we let that determine our self worth and our value just because we want what there outside appearance and possessions look like, to be what we find our significance in . Why is it that we compare ourselves to others almost always by the way things look on the outside first, instead of what God is developing us into. We see big houses but we don't see lots of dept, we see fancy cars but we don't see marriages falling apart, we hear how much someone has great accomplishments but we dont see there dad telling them they will never be anything. Why do we compare ourselves to someone Else's possessions or place in life when we dont have a clue most of the time what it took to get that, or what they are losing to have it. We are worried about what people think, why? Why do we care? If we do get it all but then it all gets stripped away then do we lose our significance again. Are we found in what we have or what we do, or by who we are and how we live? Especially as a follower of Christ the inward should be what is our place of security and our outward expression of confidence. If I preach then great, if I mop floors even better, if I serve in parking awesome, if I'm a missionary to Africa spectacular. Our worth is not in what we do but who we are in Christ. What you do will always change but He does not. Our significance is found in Him! John 21:15-23 is such a good example of Comparison. Peter is comparing himself to John and questioning Jesus about how fair he thinks Jesus is being. Peter will eventually give his life for Christ and John will live an old age but Peter is not to happy with the fairness of this decision. I LOVE HOW JESUS RESPONDS: If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? YOU FOLLOW ME. Oh if we could only so this deeply in our hearts. Jesus calls each of us into a special plan and purpose and it is His will. We were found by Christ, we gave our hearts to Him, now, the only thing we need be concerned with is Follow Him. If we could just follow Him the way He asks us to we don't need to be concerned with comparison because that is not in our plan. His will is tailored for us and no one else, so why do we desire someones else's plan is it truly for wanting to serve Christ or to serve our own Glory. I hope and pray that we can be the FOLLOW ME people, that's His heart. That's His plan!