Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Pain of the Mission Field

There is a section in the New Testament where Paul is sharing his internal struggle with friends that he is about to leave, he knows he will probably never see them again until they get to Heaven and they know it as well. Before Paul departs there is much crying and weeping and anguish in there hearts about the loss and separation they are about to feel. Honestly that's how I feel right now, I have never felt that way towards any other mission trip before in my life, Africa I know I will see again. And God lets me revisit there every day in my heart because it stole a piece of me and kept it for itself. But I know that's where I'm called. It gets harder every trip I take because I feel that anguish in my heart towards the people in the field and having to leave them. For me the sacrifice is not the leaving all that we have here in the states but leaving the people that have taken pieces of my heart and kept it for themselves on the field. I feel the loss knowing that I may only see them again if God allows and if not then my heart is full of sorrow until that day. How beautiful are the people that lay there lives down for the Gospel and how beautiful are those that give up home, country, and comfort to see the Kingdom of God advance. It tears at my heart to part with them, and only wait on God to give another day of fellowship. For me The Pain of The Mission Field is having to part ways with those who for only a short period of time dug a well so deep in your life that when you pull from it, it is only Gods heart of Joy and love. It amazes me how you can be born in a country and not even feel at home, but when you go to the least of these you never want to leave, my soul misses all my dear friends on the field, and knows that weather here or in Heaven one day all the saints will sit together, and fellowship where the sun will never set!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The new Logo for Ironman for Orphans

This is the new Logo for IronmanforOrphans it's an exciting step that brings us one step closer to bringing hope to so many orphans in Africa. Thanks to an amazing team that has worked long hours and sat through so many meetings things are finally starting to move foward. More updates will be on the way but for now hope you enjoyed the logo. Also check out the new facebook page and get updates on IMFO to see what going on.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

14 days till Honduras

Thanks to the amazing Heather Stewart I was able to gather a few pics of the sights and adventures of Honduras from her facebook(She is a full time Missionary there). We have 14 days till we leave, and in all honesty I have a totally different level of excitement for this missions trip than any other trip I have ever been on. One of the reasons has to do with the history of how it all got started in Honduras and the 2nd has to do with I have never been there. There is a new level of expectation and a new level of spiritual preparation that has been on my heart. I think alot of times when you go to a place more than once you can let your guard down or casually coast into the place thinking I've been here done that. It's always a new challenge spiritually to go into a new place, the smells are different, the sights are different, the culture is different, you cant do things the same that you can do in places you have been before. But the great thing is you get a chance to grow in ways you would not have been able to being in places your familiar with. I love new trip's because God allows you to see what He is doing in the world and how there are believers all across the world, beautiful people everywhere serving and following Jesus. It helps you see the big picture. I love meeting new people and getting to hear there stories and life journey at the end of the day you realize more often than not even though you came to help them they are truly giving you so much spiritually. I'm really excited and looking forward to what God is going to do, in filling us up then pouring us out, because the main thing is Jesus and our purpose is others.

(Just a few pics of what Honduras looks like and some of the areas we will be going to).