Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Next Generation

This picture is of two things, 1.) Our core leadership class of High school students and 2.) The unfinished space for kids ministry at Healing Place Church.
I've been thinking about this photo for a few days now, the next generation, and how the church would look if there was no investment in the future. There is a passage of scripture in Mathew 19:13-15 where Jesus is talking to the disciples about little children and how we can learn from them, children believe with there whole hearts and we must believe like them if we want to enter into the kingdom of Heaven. I believe as we get older there is a tendency to let time steal our dreams, get more complacent, and look for comfort. But there is something about kids, they want to play in the rain, get muddy, take risk's, go after it with everything inside of them. When I look at this photo I think of how beautiful this combination is, the youth who are on fire, and the older who are full of wisdom and knowledge. When the church has an investment in the two without putting them in separate categories amazing things can happen. The youth should learn for the previous generation all that they can so the can make that fire useful. And the previous generation should remember there former passion so that the flame can burn even more now, and use that wisdom to help those coming up. When you see a room like this it cannot be done without both sides. The torch has to be passed, the children of future generations must know about Jesus and grow up in His ways. And the only way to do it is to take that fire and combine it with understanding and you can build some amazing things that God will use for His glory!

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