Family,food,and a whole lot of hunting. I have to say that this Christmas has been full of all of the above and has been an absolute blast so far, and with tomorrow being Christmas Day there is alot more family and food still left to go. But looking back on this week the best part was just hanging with my brother's. We dont get to spend alot of time together nowadays, were all growing up and kinda finding our path, but it was cool just sitting in the woods or just staying up late watching movies hanging out. We went to the grandparent's in Mississippi for a week and had Christmas there, then hunted and slept, some much needed sleep at that. I probably slept more in the woods than inside this week, actually I was out one day while it was raining (all day) and sitting up by a tree and woke up to the sun going down and the rain still falling. It was about 40 degrees I dont know how that happened but thank goodness for Gortex(rain proof grear). But we did bring home some meat my brother shot a 500 hundred pound Russian Boar and I got a 4 point again, Ray actually shot that Boar at 160 yrds running it was an awesome shot but heavy as mess to drag out of the woods. But with all of hunting there has to be some eating to. I had enough Gumbo and greens to last a month. It was a great week and hopefully will be able to go back before we start the new semester and hunt some more. But anyways have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the food, family and friends and most important of all remember the reason for it all the birth of the Savior, JESUS.
Paw Paw Dan
Maw Maw Joan
My Rib and Me(Rib AKA Heather)
Paw Paw Cecil's House
Me Ray Lance (Hog 500 pds)
My 4 point