Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2nd Annual Cracker Barrel/ And Kenya

Food and Stuffing my face is one of my favorite combinations of the Holidays,especially when it involves Cracker Barrel. Every year the first day of the year we always go to CB and eat breakfast with Heathers family. It was pretty funny this year because all the kids were there and that always means a game of Checkers and some messy faces. Now I'm pretty competitive so I held nothing back on Caleb when it came to Checkers, I know that sounds bad but how often do you get to make all of your pieces kings. Anyways I thought the frame by frame shot of Kelsey eating would give a good indication of how great the food was, and how hard it is to get syrup of your fingers.

Pray For Kenya and the people there, recently after the elections a riot burned down villages, Churches, and killed over 120 people in those Churches and Villages and the govt fears the violence will only increase.

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