Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting back into the Saddle

For the past year I have really been riding hard and getting back into the saddle not only for fitness, but I also love riding my bike and I want to get back into triathlons and road races. It really is addictive riding, I used to run a whole lot but I got real tired of my knees hurting after a workout. So after a friend introduced me to Bikes while in the Marine Corp I got totally hooked. Funny thing is I have always been a huge fan of Lance Armstrong. One of my Passions as of late has been to use my Love for cycling to raise money for my real Passion, Orphans in Africa. I'm still working on an event we have coming up in the future but as of right now I'm thinking about updating my bike. These are some of the new bikes I've been looking at. Check em out.
Tri Bike

Tri Bike

Road Bike

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some Good thought's about our Christian Role

Hunting Tiger Woods
by C.J. Mahaney 12/3/2009 3:10:00 PM
Tiger Woods wants his privacy back.

He wants the media entourage to disappear from his life.

He wants to be left alone so he can manage his personal problems in private.

Not a chance.

The story began unfolding in the early hours of last Friday when he crashed his Cadillac Escalade into a tree and a fire hydrant near his Florida home. He refused to speak with the police about the incident, raising curiosity about the circumstances. The story has now escalated into allegations of marital infidelity, and that generated a blog post from Tiger that stated, “I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart.” This statement by Tiger has led most to believe that the allegations of infidelity are true.

Hunted by the Media

As expected, the allegations of adultery involving a public figure are attracting a media pile-on. This is a big story with a big audience and it’s a story that will not disappear soon. Tiger Woods is being hunted by the media.

But let us make sure we do not join the hunt. A Christian’s response to this story should be distinctly different. We should not be entertained by the news. We should not have a morbid interest in all the details. We should be saddened and sobered. We should pray for this man and even more for his wife.

And we can be sure that in the coming days we will be in conversations with friends and family where this topic will emerge. And when it does, we can avoid simply listening to the latest details and speculations, and avoid speaking self-righteously, but instead we can humbly draw attention to the grace of God in the gospel.

Hunted by Sin

But Tiger is being hunted by something more menacing than journalists. Tiger’s real enemy is his sin, and that’s an enemy much more difficult to discern and one that can’t be managed in our own strength. It’s an enemy that never sleeps.

Let me explain.

Sin Lies

The Bible in general, and the book of Proverbs in particular, reveals an unbreakable connection between our character, our conduct, and the consequences of our actions. These three are inseparable and woven by God into His created order.

Deception is part of sin’s DNA. Sin lies to us. It seeks to convince us that sin brings only pleasure, that it carries no consequences, and that no one will discover it. Sin works hard to make us forget that character, conduct, and consequences are interconnected. And when we neglect this relationship—when we think our sins will not be discovered—we ultimately mock God.

Sin Hunts

We’ve all experienced it: Sin lies to us. We take the bait. And then sin begins to hunt us.

One commentator on Proverbs articulated this truth like this: “The irony of a life of rebellion is that we begin by pursuing sin…and end up being pursued by it!….You can ‘be sure your sin will find you out’ (Num. 32:23…).”* In other words, sin comes back to hunt us.

In light of this fact, sin is an enemy Tiger can’t manage. He can’t shape this story like he does a long iron on a par 5. Tiger doesn’t need a publicity facelift; Tiger needs a Savior. Just like me. And just like you. And if by God’s grace he repents and trusts in the person and work of Christ, Tiger will experience the fruit of God’s promise that “whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).


Tiger cannot intimidate this enemy like he can Pebble Beach or any of the field of professional golfers. And there is no privacy he can claim from this enemy, regardless of his resolve, his silence, or the name painted on his yacht. It’s likely Tiger only perceives the press hunting him out of a vain “curiosity about public figures.” But Tiger is being hunted and hounded by a far greater foe: the consequences of his sin.

And this story should humble and sober us. It should make us ask: Are there any so-called “secret sins” in my life? Is there anything I have done that I hope nobody discovers? Is there anything right now in my life that I should confess to God and the appropriate individuals?

And this should leave us more amazed by grace because there, but for the grace of God, go I.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Artwork

The camera did not take good pics so if the Art looks blury thats why.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Grace or Faith

Just a thought for this week, alot of times for me it's not faith that is the problem it is understanding that his Grace is sufficient. When you look at all of creation faith comes so easy and God is so obvious and present, but it's often times of hardship that understanding that his Grace is enough his power is made perfect in weakness is what we struggle with, that takes faith. Faith that his grace will sustain us, faith that his grace will keep us and pull us through. That to me is where growing seems to be tough.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


It's often difficult to hear God speak when we are talking over him with an obnixious focus on our frustrations. I say this only because I walk through this season pretty often and I know it's my own fault. But recently I have been thinking a lot about Moses, funny huh, yes and no! Moses, Moses, Moses, who are you amongst the greatest ruler on the face of the planet, well in the natural, nobody. But the funny thing is God pruned alot of bad branches on thst boy to make him ready in the spiritual for his somebody moment. His somebody moment only happened to make some body famous. God. When God is speaking it's good to remind ourselves that God has no branches to be pruned and when he speaks it's often the shears that will be prunning our areas that need to be fixed. Moses had many frustrations, but once he got the picture and stopped looking at his own situtations and started looking at what God was doing he realized that it was a lot of pruning to get him ready maybe for something big maybe for something small but none the less it was God getting him ready for something that God was doing, that is a much more important thing to fixed on, so let's get rid of those dead branched and make room for more growth.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

10 Things I Love about upcoming Winter

(Ten Things I Love about upcoming Winter)

1. Absolutely Love Hunting, Deer, Duck, Squirrel, Rabbit, hogs, coyote, you name it if it has a season I love to hunt. It is definitely a passion of mine I love putting my camo paint on and ghillie suit, stalking whatever prey it is and feeling the rush of making the kill. It's awesome.

2. A Warm fire. Absolutely nothing better than cuddling with my beautiful wife on the couch next to a warm wood fire.

3. Hot Chocolate, I don't know what it is about it but I Love hot Chocolate. On a cold cold day there is nothing better to get you warm. And it's even better with marsh mellows.

4. Christmas Movie Classic's. I love staying up late watching old Christmas Movie Classic's with the family, it alot of fun.

5. Hot Chocolate, Warm Fire, and Classic Christmas Movies all combined. Now that is a great Winter day.

6. Holiday Food, this has to be the greatest when all the family is together and we are all sitting around the table scarfing some food.

7. Driving around looking at all the Christmas lights, it's amazing what some people do to dress there house up in lights.

8. Christmas Music in the house, really good for a fun enviroment.

9. Christmas Eve.

10. Christmas Morning with my wife, I Love seeing how excited she gets on Christmas day, it's awesome.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hunting Season is almost Here

I thought this was pretty funny considering Hunting season is almost here. Enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Weekend with the Boys

This past weekend was an awesome trip, I got to take my little brother one of the students from student ministries Caleb C, and my boy Jordan to the camp in Mississippi. We took a ton of Guns and plenty of Mre's (Meal ready to Eat). It was a really good time just hanging out and letting the boys be boys. There is something special about being in the woods sharing that warrior spirit, plus shooting watermelons is a plus, for a bonus there is a special video at the end you don't want to miss it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Top 6 Places I want to Go

These are in No Particular Order but I did save my Favorite for last. I'm always in a traveling mood and I would drop everything at any moment to get in a plane just to go some place new but these are some places that I have always wanted to go. They are kinda my top picks.

1. Israel, I would love to go to the Holy Land and just be in the areas were the Jesus walked the Earth, I think it would be an amazing experience. And a really cool spiritual experience as well.

2. New Zealand, I would love to rid a horse and camp out through the valleys where Lord of the Rings was Shot what an awesome experience that would be.

3. Thailand, this one is awesome because of the unique scenery I have always been fascinated with Thailand, it would be a great adventure and amazing Missions opportunity.

4. Montana, I would love to Camp and outback like the old cowboys in the old days Montana is the wild cowboy dream for me, Horses and Stars, it would be an awesome experience.

5. Alaska, I cant say enough about this place, the last frontier, I would love to do a big game Hunt here and survive off of the land, fish wild salmon and hike for days this is truly God's beauty.

6. Africa, My heart resides here, the people the land, everything about it, especially the children, Africa it gets in your Blood.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Calling the less Equipped (Justice For Orphans)

I have thought alot about these last few weeks and what God has in store for the Orphans in Swaziland and Mozambique Africa ( who will step up and provide, who are you going to call to meet this need. There are care points with Children depending on us for food and clothing, education, and love, and now they are shutting down, this cant happen, how will they make it, we must do something. I wont lie to you I used to be the guy that when I would see commercials on TV of the children in Uganda and Sudan I would turn the channel as soon as possible because I was scared, and honestly did not think a dime of my money would do a bit of difference for these children. I did not turn the TV because it freaked me out or made me mad at people asking for money, I turned the Channel because I felt guilty for not having alot to give, or thought that what I could give wasn't going to be enough to help these Children for any more than a day so why give them false hope. I have to say that after going to Africa twice now my heart has been so captivated with these precious children, and I have learned that any little bit that you give makes a huge difference. Weather money or Prayer, clothing or food, it all makes a difference. God who are you going to call. The answer he has given me has been the less Equipped. When we are weak he is strong, when we have little God takes that and does much. I have noticed that God has been gripping this young generation to make a difference for his kingdom, he has been calling teenagers without jobs or income, he has been calling college students that are willing to risk what little they do have to make a difference, he has been calling those without great influence to step and be bold, he has been calling those with a passion to start a fire in the hearts of men for something greater than themselves. He is calling those that are willing at all cost to see others reached regardless of what comfort they lose and pain it causes themselves as long as they can share the Love of Jesus to others. God has birthed an amazing ministry called children's cup that takes care of so many Orphans in Africa with many essential needs, food, clothing, education, etc. But we all know that in these difficult economic times resources are limited and fear is running lose in the world, due to alot of these circumstances many of these carepoints are having to shut down because of lack of funding. My prayer for you and me is that we ask God to show us what little things he wants us to give so that he can make alot. God specializes in working with the little things and turning them into big blessings. The little boy only had a few loaves of bread and some fish but God made basket fulls. I am in the process now of putting together an event where I will do a 24hr bike ride to raise money for the children, called Ironman for Orphans, anyone will be able to come out and ride or walk or run for however long they want to show and help raise support. I just want to take what God has placed in my hands and do the best I can with it, even if it's not that much, because it's the less equipped that God equip's the most, and those with a willing heart. If you have any desire to get involved please contact me on facebook or go to the Childrens cup website to see how you can give. . But most importantly pray that provision will come for the children and that people will get involved in what is going on. Thank you all for reading and praying for the Children it is greatly appreciated and felt. IN HIS GRIP

Thursday, August 13, 2009

IronMan For Orphans

This is gonna be awesome, for about a year now I have had a huge desire to do big fundraiser for the Orphans in Africa. After having the most amazing opportunity to go to Africa twice with Healing Place Church School of ministry and be apart of International Relief program I have wanted to do so much more for the Children. Our Idea right now is to do a, wait you ready for it. 24 hour Bike, Run, Walk event to raise money for the children. I will be biking for the full 24 hrs straight, but anyone will be able to come and bike, walk, or run for however long they desire to help support and raise money for the Children. 100% of the proceeds will go directly towards the children. In the process of thinking about this event there were many questions of how will we do it, where will we do it, and how will we get sponsors and partners, alot of that is still in the works but for the most part the planing stages are wrapping up. But we did know that we wanted to go big, we wanted to do something that would really be challenging but also allow people that would like to come out with family and friends for a few hours or just to show support for a little while for the event to be apart. So the 24hr Idea came up. You can go solo, you can have teams and do relays, you can unicycle if you want we just want people to get involved. Until we get the date set and location of the event I would like to ask you to pray for us as we continue getting this event together.Our goal is to raise between 50 and 100,000 dollars for the children.In efforts to reach this goal we are going to contact as many businesses in Baton Rouge as we can possibly find and also house to house outreaches to raise support. So as we get to a point where we are ready to kick off the event we will keep updates posted on under Barton pickens for time and location if you want to get involved. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support, we could not do this without you and the children could not do it with out us.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Heather is Home and Recap

Here are some pictures of Heather in Mozambique and Swaziland Africa with the Team from Healing Place Church. They spent two weeks preparing and putting on the Vacation Bible School for all the kids. It is so great to have her back home but also I am so excited at what God has allowed her to be apart of on this trip. I love her so much, hope you enjoy the pictures and also I hope that God places in your heart a desire for Missions especially for Africa and the beautiful children there.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Off To Motion Conference

Im so pumped about this years student ministries conference in Alabama, but at the same time I am really sad because my wife Heather gets home from Africa on Friday and I will be gone until Sunday night. So this is Bitter sweet for me. It will be two whole weeks this sunday that we havent seen each other I am really missing my Love. But Motion is going to be amazing, Pastor Chris Hodges is an amazing man of God and there Church is doing amazing things in the kingdom. There will be tons of kids and crazy nights with no sleep, all for lives to be changed and Christ to be Glorified. It's gonna be amazing and seriously smelly all these little kids.
5 Things About Youth Camps everyone should Know
1.) If your gonna take a shower make sure your clothes are in the shower with you that way your friends dont run off with your clothes and leave just your socks.

2.)Make sure your the last one to sleep, you wont regret it I promise!!!!!

3.)Look for the guys who fell asleep first it's gonna be the so much fun as long as you have whip cream and duct tape.

4.)You have got to have a team song, Lunch lady land by Adam sandler is my fav.

5.)Make sure you find the secret bathrooms at camp sharing with 100's of students is the last thing you want to have to do, highschool boys hold nothing back!!! HAHA

Friday, July 24, 2009


We are having a great time here in Mozambique, we have been at the church for the last two days getting ready for VBS and hanging out with the kids. The team is really working good together, we all fit well with each other. Here are just a few pictures of here. the first is the hotel that we are staying at, the second is the church at an orphanage near our care point,the third is becky getting bombarded by kids cause they want stickers, and the last one is all the kids waiting to be feed their one meal for the day.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Safe in Mozambique

Hey everyone, It's Heather. We are finally done traveling and we are at our hotel in Maputo, Mozambique. I don't know how much I will be able to get on the computer but I will keep ya' ll updated as much as possible. We will be visiting the church tomorrow to hang out with the kids and just serve in any way that we can. Keep tuned in the hear more as it comes. Keep the prayers coming they are much needed for everything to continue moving smoothly.

Monday, July 20, 2009


If you are reading this right now for the next 21 hours my wife will be on her way to Africa with a team from the Church for a missions trip, she will be gone for the next 12 days so please keep her in your prayers, I'll keep everyone updated and Heather will also post on my blog as well.

Funny thought:
The most memorable meal this year of my life this morning before dropping Heather off at the church, we ate at McDonalds I had a Chicken Bisquit and she had the pancakes with a little oj. Ahhh, the golden arches making memories it's a beautiful thing.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

8 Days Till AFRICA

My Beautiful wife Heather leaves for Swaziland and Mozambique Africa in 8 days, it's a very different feeling to know that she will be all the way across the world without me for a period of two weeks, but also a great feeling to know that she will have one of the most amazing ministry opportunities she has ever experienced. VBS for the children, sharing the message of Christ with these precious children is one of the biggest blessings God has ever allowed me to be apart of and I'm extremely excited that she will be able to share in that blessing. When you go to Africa or an overseas mission trip you will always get so much more out of it than you give while you are there, it's not a self centered thing but something God does to shift your heart towards his perspective. You learn how blessed you are and how much God has given us. And you also learn how much God wants you to use your blessings to bless others less fortunate. These precious orphans have nothing but they have everything, alot of times in America we have so much but inside we have so little. As I get older I see constantly the effects of trying to gain material stuff and wealth here on earth, it all fades and never satisfies. There is nothing wrong with having stuff as long as the stuff does not have you. While she is gone in Africa I know that God will show her amazing things, reveal to her parts of her heart that she never knew could feel the way it will when she holds the children, sees the suffering and See's the joy. Laughs and Cry's all in the same moment. I did everyday I was there. Africa is such an amazing place it captured my heart. It's a neat thing to know that while I'm home my other half will be traveling all the way there having her heart captured as well. It's 8 days till Africa, if you read this post please keep Heather in your prayers and the team going, they are going to need all the prayer that can be lifted up. With Lot's of long hours and many days of pouring themselves out for the work there, God has to be the center of all that is done. While she is gone I will keep post coming of what is going on while she is away and what is happening while she is there. Again all the prayers and support are greatly appreciated.

Friday, July 3, 2009


This is gonna be awesome, for about a year now I have had a huge desire to do big fundraiser for the Orphans in Africa. After having the most amazing opportunity to go to Africa twice with Healing Place Church School of ministry and be apart of International Relief program I have wanted to do so much more for the Children. Our Idea right now is to do a, wait you ready for it. 24 hour Bike, Run, Walk event to raise money for the children. I will be biking for the full 24 hrs straight, but anyone will be able to come and bike, walk, or run for however long they desire to help support and raise money for the Children. 100% of the proceeds will go directly towards the children. In the process of thinking about this event there were many questions of how will we do it, where will we do it, and how will we get sponsors and partners, alot of that is still in the works but for the most part the planing stages are wrapping up. But we did know that we wanted to go big, we wanted to do something that would really be challenging but also allow people that would like to come out with family and friends for a few hours or just to show support for a little while for the event to be apart. So the 24hr Idea came up. You can go solo, you can have teams and do relays, you can unicycle if you want we just want people to get involved. Until we get the date set and location of the event I would like to ask you to pray for us as we continue getting this event together.Our goal is to raise between 50 and 100,000 dollars for the children.In efforts to reach this goal we are going to contact as many businesses in Baton Rouge as we can possibly find and also house to house outreaches to raise support. So as we get to a point where we are ready to kick off the event we will keep updates posted on under Barton pickens for time and location if you want to get involved. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support, we could not do this without you and the children could not do it with out us.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

1 year Anniversary funny thoughts and reflections

So this Friday is Heather and my 1 year Anniversay so I wanted to take some time to write some thoughts and funny things that have happened and a little of what God has taught us this year.

1. Live with tons of Grace towards one another, it's never as bad as you make it and never as big as it seems.

2. Slow to anger quick to forgive, Say your sorry as soon as possible, it's waisted time trying to prove a point,and at that point the only one your proving is your childishness.

3. Laugh as much as possible, embaress yourself on purpose, bring joy to the other, wouldent you rather happiness instead of grief

4. When you have one sink to share, boys you better go first or it's gonna be a long wait.

5. Never stop opening the door to the car otherwise you might get a reminder if it's been awhile.

6. If she dosent like being tickled do it anyway it's tons of fun.

7. When your wife slaps you on the but like the boys at the game and then says that a boy, yeah youve seen it all.

8. Random date nights are the best.

9. Saving money means turning off your AC UNIT and having a 20$ monthly note, but in louisiana when the summer is having 103 degree days that means no saving money but happy cool wife.

10. pray together and stay focused on God together, he will keep you close when times are good and bad

11.Hide her stuff, it's really fun to watch her get upset and then think your the hero when you say you found it. You even get a kiss sometimes.

12. Tell her she is beautiful in front of her friends major brownie points.

13. If you wash all clothes in one load it's a good thing right?

14. I hate washing dishes!!!

15. She hates washing dishes!!!

16. Somehow I like doing dishes now, but not always.

17. your parents or my parents for dinner, were out of money.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Begining of the Week funny thoughts

1. Waiting until the absolute last moment to get up to go to work on Monday.
2. Waiting until the very last minute to get up for work Monday, tue, wed, thur, fri.
3. Once again you dont get up to cook breakfast like you said you would.
4. For some reason your socks dont match once you get to work.
5. Who took the last pop tart for breakfast.
6. Snooze
7. Snooze button twice.
8. Snooze button, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 times before you get up.
9. turning the snooze button off by accident and the freaking out when you wake up 5 min before you have to be at work.
10. Have you seen my keys, oh my gosh are you kidding me where are my keys.
11. found them they were in my pants pocket.
12. Staying in your truck until the very last moment that you have to go into work.
13. eating breakfast in your truck while waiting until the very last moment that you have to go into work.
14. bringing your trash to work from the weekend to throw away in the dumpster behind work.
15. staying up really late on sunday night to stretch your weekend as long as possible so it seems longer than what it really is. PRICELESS.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The everyday ordinary is often hard

I have to admit that pretty often I get very frustrated with the mundane. I cant stand repetition or groundhog day weeks where you can say everything that is going to happen before Monday even comes. If it is something you love than that is different but when you find yourself wishing you had greater purpose or even felt purpose then it is very frustrating. Being honest I feel like that a whole lot as of late. As a Male God has created me with a sense of conquer and exploration, this heart of adventure and danger. I often feel in my life that there is predictability and average, boredom and routine. I am not the average guy, alot of people want the 9 to 5 with a big house and American dream. Six figure job, nice car's, boats, material stuff. I would love a cabin in Colorado or Alaska maybe even Montana with a lot of land, I want travel and adventure, the feeling that your heart is alive and not suffocating from lack of testosterone, from lack of zeal, from lack of meaning. I open my Bible every morning, read, and look at the Gospel, what a great adventure. What an amazing life sold out for Christ holds. What an eternal purpose, winning the lost to Christ. I know that God has seasons and times where he is molding and shaping and we must learn so that we are not stuck in a lesson we should have been done with years ago. Transparency for a moment, that is tuff. I've learned that hiding behind mask gets nothing but friends that hide behind mask, transparency sets the heart free.

1. Dive into your Bible
2.Travel often
3.Work less family and friends more( obvisouly you have to pay bills but you know what I mean.
4.Use you talents, bless people and give give give.
5.Challange yourself to encourage someone every single day, build them up.
6.Get in shape, working out helps your stress, or beat up a sibling I do with my brothers all the time.
7. be thankful all the time, others have it worse, so could we.

Friday, May 22, 2009

What God is Speaking now

When God is hiding from us it is the best

When God is hiding from us it's because we are in a season of revelation, we may not feel a thing, no presence. But in this season God wants us to draw near to him so he can reveal new things to us, he wants us to come into the hiding place. Here the enemy cannot find us nor would dare to try and go if he knew we were there. Once God is done revealing all the things he wants to show us he then takes us into a season of manifestation. He his presence is all over us and is showering us with his spirit, in this season he wants to manifest in us and through us what he revealed to us in the season of revelation. For us and for others. When we are in the presence of Gods spirit we cannot see anything else but God b/c he is so big, so he draws away from us so that we can draw near to him and hear from him. Great Example: the disciples walking the road to emmaus and then Jesus shows up, they dont know that it is him b/c he is hiding himself from them to reveal to them things he wants them to learn,they speak to Jesus telling him do you not know what has been going on in the last few days regarding the crucifying of Christ. Jesus in classic response says no why dont you tell me, he then gives them revelation they want him to come and spend time with him. Jesus goes, then they eat, Jesus offers thanks and then breaks bread. At that moment Jesus manifest himself to them and there eyes are open and they realize it is Christ. After this the disciples were astonished and filled with joy then ran back and told all the other disciples that Jesus was risen. Revelation then manifestation for you and for others.

We were all Orphans at some point

Pastor Steve Ware spoke at retreat tonight, he just came back from Africa and told us how the children there have no record of birth, no identification of birth records, all orphans. When I went there last year and the year before that I learned about this truth. Tonight at retreat I herd this and then God spoke to me Barton before you and all of these people in here that are followers of me were found by me you were all orphans, you had now birth date, no identification, nameless,and fatherless, without a home or family. But once you accepted me and responded to me you were no longer Orphans, you became Sons and Daughters, with a family and a father, you were given names and those names were given not just by any father or dad but by our King!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thoughts that have been messing with me.

1. Quote: You can tell the size of a person by the size of what it is that makes
them angry. Robert Barringer

2. Quote: A real sign of maturity is when someone responds to a trial not
reacts. Graham Cooke.

Let's just say these have been timily words for me recently, nothing crazy just keeping me in check with Gods heart, thats where I want to stay near. And not fleshing out. If your human you know what I mean. God please keep me in your big bucket of Grace. I try to keep little thaughts like these in my Ipod so as Im going through out the day I'm reminding myself how my focus should be, that of Christ. Even though the medicine dosent always taste good, it's gonna make you better I promise.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers day especially to my Mom, but I would also like to say happy Mothers day to all moms. God has made you such an important role in the family and in the life of your son or daughter. Thankyou for all your hard work and faithfulness to us and sacrifice you make. From getting us up to go to school to bringing us to church on Sundays and wednesday nights. Yall are awesome. so to all the moms God bless and know that you are so special to God. And your hearts are precious, and so needed in the lives of so many kids today. Moms where would we be without you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3 pieces of Art and The Kids

These 3 pieces of art are almost complete, I've been working hard to get as much art finished as I can each month so I can start making prints. It has been really cool for me to see the work come together, I Love Drawing, Painting, Photography, it is such a peaceful thing working on my art in the back room, little music on and creative juices flowing, Love it. I'm so thankful that God gave me this gift, I want to use it as much as possible to bless others and serve him with it. I Love Art, and as much as I can I'm gonna keep using it to serve.

Major and Koah at the Park

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pictures I've taken recently

Wake Up!!!!!

That's the name of our Sunday morning Discipleship class, Wake Up. We call it that because of everyone sleeping in on Sunday morning, so we wake up for 10:00 discipleship class and then 12:00 service. Future World Changers, destined to reach the world for Christ sharing the gospel all over the place. These guys are so awesome and so dedicated, and they serve like crazy. I look back on my highschool years and wish I was as sold out as these guys. But it is a huge blessing and priveledge to be able to invest into their lives. They inspire me to take my walk to a whole notha leval. A little bit of Coffee, a dozen donuts, and great group of guys to share life and the word with.