Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Mandate and a Prayer

If you read my blog pretty often or just skim by it hear and there I hope that this word will bring encouragement to your heart and faith to your soul. My prayer for these past couple of Days has burdened my heart. And more so bought me to a new Love in Christ. It's swallowed up in all the suffering that is going on in the world, finances, family's splitting apart, famine around the globe, abortion, homosexuality, orphans, human trafficking, the list could go on and on. Oh my gosh how there is so much pain so much sin, so much searching for answers, how do we fix all of these things. Other issues as well like the economy, terrorism, fear of whats next! Encouraging right, yea I'll stop now because I'm starting to sound like the news. My Prayer, my plea towards heaven, the longing of my heart has been so much for those in this world that are living a life of bondage and entrapment to the temporary things of this life would come to know the Love and Salvation of Christ. I remember how I was before Christ saved me, lost, angry, full of hate and destruction. Caught up in so much that this world has to offer and drowning in it. I had no peace no life. But after I gave up all the fighting and just surrendered to God I cant even begin to explain how my life has changed. I'm no longer trying to find fulfillment in things that don't last, investing my time in things that will fade away, I have acknowledged my mortality and my sin. And now I have life eternally, I quit trying to cover up the reality of what was going on with excuses. I just simply said God you have a plan and I'm trusting in you. Oh how his Love has given me peace, if I end up without a roof over my head and no place to live I am ok, I will still proclaim his goodness. If America wants to turn from God and support what is not just, sexual immorality, taking the lives of unborn children, ignoring the cry of the poor, orphans, widows, the hurting, human trafficking, my prayer will be that we would return to God, bring justice to the oppressed, honor back to Marriage created by God for Man and Woman. And turn from Greed, lust, and hatred. My stance will be with this as well. My prayer is that people would stop running from God, stop trying to figure it all out, stop trying to create a false sense of security, but let him do for you what you can never do for yourself, UNTIL YOU KNOW HIM, LOVE YOU. FORGIVE YOU, AND HAVE YOU. I pray that the Church will in these days reach out with love and not judgement or condemnation, grace and mercy and not anger and vengeance. Truth and Gods word, instead of complacency or what we should do politically to solve the worlds problems. Serve with a towel instead of command with a title. My prayer is that faith in the hearts of believers will not grow weak in these days but stronger, and faith for the lost would be found and hearts turned towards Christ. Throughout all of history the world has tried to provide answer after answer, solution after solution but has only remained successful at one thing repeating itself. With Christ our solution has been given, this world will one day fade. But those that remain in him shall not perish!!!!! For we will be given eternal life, my prayer is that you let go, open your hands and let let Jesus fill them. Let him hold them, let him guide them. Things now are discouraging, yes you can fear all the bad things that are going on. But I promise you this with your hope and faith in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone His love will never leave you, never leave you, and His peace will always comfort you, no matter what this world may bring. My Prayer, my plea, is that when he comes looking for you, you will let him find you. There will be no greater choice than that.


Anonymous said...

Amen!!! Love the message that God has given you

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I was sure this would be a perfect way to introduce myself!

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