Have you ever had God Challange you so strongly that you thought for sure it couldent be him, but then he proved it to you that he was really speaking to you. Well check this out. I went out riding my bike Sunday afternoon and I found this sign hanging up on a random post, it says "Mountain view center Limit 30 min" at first I didnt think anything of it but as I started looking at the Mountain God whispered to me, Do You Want To Walk With Moses. I was like what? God what do you mean? So I went back to the house, got out my Bible and God lead me to Exodus 19 and He totally Rocked my world. Check this out, chapter 19 God told Moses after being on Mount Sinai to go down to the people and tell them to get ready,clean themselves for I am coming to talk with them, and I am coming in a cloud but they must not come near the Mountain tell them to stay put and do not try to come see me or they will die, for I have set a boundry around the Mountain and made it Holy. They must not even touch the boundary. But he called Moses up to the top of the Mountain, only Moses he called up to the very presence of God, he personally told Moses to come up to him. And this is what God showed me that sign on the post was like the boundry for the people I only had a 30 minute viewing period, how dissapointing is that and to add to it I wasent even close to the Mountain. It's so good to know that the God I serve dosent just give me a 30 min time slot to his presence from the balcony, but instead he invites us to the very alter at his feet. Like Pastor Mike always says Somebody say Preach Preacher. Haha, but God told me this Do you want to be the guy at the boundry or Do YOU want to walk with Moses because Im personally inviting You Barton to walk right up to the face of God, and be in my very presence. Do You want this, is this what you heart desire. I was like YES God I want this, then he said well Barton then like Moses you must be Holy, for I chose him and he was worthy to come, are you, you cant make yourself Holy only God can. So how much do you want this, it's a personal invite. If you try to do it on you own you wont even be allowed to touch the boundry, man's efforts are full of personal gain and wealth. But if you want this let me do it thru you, dont try on your own just give it to me. I dont want to give you 30 min of the Mountain Top but I want to give You a lIFETIME, an Eternity of me right in my arms. I stepped back after reading that Chapter (which by the way I strongly hope you read Chap 19)and I said Yes God I will walk with Moses, I dont want to build boundries b/t You and me but I want to do the work in me so that I will be able to stand with you, in Your very presence. So what will it be for you, The Mountain Top or the boundry and the foot of the Mountain you cant even touch. I know what I want, I will Walk with Moses.
So I had a new Idea for my Blog. Once a week I'm going to start posting a random funny pic, or just something very interesting that I run into during my week that will kinda bring some questions or laughs about what I see in my day to day activities. This week is my first Random pic. This Pic is for Gabbi she is a fellow intern at HPC and she will know why this is so funny I found this down town riding my bike. hope you enjoy Gabbi. LOL