Saturday, June 23, 2007

Can You Say GUMby outreach

So today I had my first outreach in Danville and the funny thing is I knew it was going to be a good day when the first store I walk into has a Huge lifesize Gumby doll on the floor and we were handing out Gum. Can you say sign from Heaven, haha. But anyways all of Danville basically closed down today for a huge festival in the streets, there were thousands of people coming thru to see what was going on and Pastor Rob and myself picked the perfect time to go reach out to the community. There were familys everywhere and people eating and just enjoying the scenes. It's amazing how as you walk around and you see all these people it really makes you stop and think how God has placed you at that very moment as a messanger to make an eternal diffrence in someone's life, that very moment you make a connection with someone could be the turning point in eternity for them. It's hard to believe that God would give me the priviledge of being his messenger. I finished out the day stopping by a Marine recruiters office and inviting him and the other guys to Church, one of the Corporals was pretty intrested and said that he would come this sunday. It's funny how even though Im no longer in the Corp God still lets me reach out to my old brothers in little ways. As for now go be a messenger, and remember that God has made you a cross road in someone's life,dont pass up the opportunity to help them decide which way to go.

My Boy Gumby keeping it real

Pastor Rob and our little OUTREACH Helper.

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