Thursday, June 28, 2007

America's Game

So I was extremely blessed to be able to go to my first ever Pro baseball game and it just so happened to be by the bay with Barry Bonds. I do have to say the seats were incrediable, you could touch the dirt and the players would walk up and talk with you and sign autographs,it was an awesome night of baseball. I have to give a shout out to Tyler and Michelle for hooking me and little Ricky up for the night, thankyou guys so much.The game lasted 13 innings and I even got a foul ball for my very first game. Even though Barry didnt hit one out it was still a night of History, this will deffinatly be one I never forget.

Me and Little Ricky

Barry Bonds

Our Seats

Barry Bonds


Anonymous said...

that looks cool dude

Anonymous said...

Okay so your life is pretty much totally cool right now. I mean living the life man! (I threw that in just for you) :) I know you are such a blessing out there to the team. BR is hot, enjoy the West Coast weather.

Bless you B-