Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Elevate Thanksgiving Party

So What is Thanksgiving without a whole bunch of Pilgrim's and Indians. That's right the first ever Elevate camp Mayflower dinner festival. HaHa, I have to say it was a great time. We had everything you could think of for food and we even had a vicious game of dodge ball with rubber chickens. Of course us Indians won, it was probably due to the tightness of the stockings on the pilgrim's legs, they were unable to move very effectively thus making them easy prey. But none of this would have been possible if it was not for our fearless leaders Rob and Michelle, they graciously opened there home and allowed us crazy people to come and enjoy there company. It was a good time of fellowship and a great day with friends. Thanksgiving, there is always so much to be thankful for but the two things I always think about the most are God and family. Without Jesus there would be no reason of value to be thankful for and for the family he has given me. Sure we are a bit crazy at times but I wouldn't want it any other way. So be blessed this Thanksgiving, tell someone serving these Holidays thank you, to all my Marine Brothers out there Semper Fi. And most importantly tell your family how much they mean to you even if they do make you crazy. It's always a great time to reflect and see how much God has blessed you. And to sit in a deer stand and wait on that big buck to come out and get smoked haha. Happy Holidays everyone now let's eat.

What's Thanksgiving without a good scalping, sorry Dustin, by the way that's his real hair.

Me and my Little Chippewas, by the way that feather came from a Bald Eagle


Us Indians being taught the Word by our Pilgrim Brothers


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