Thursday, November 8, 2007

What is your Encounter

So when you think about an encounter with something you usually think about first impressions right, but as I thought about something today, the word encounter, it really shook me up. If someone were to show up late to an event and there excuse was, well I got a flat and my wrench rolled over into the street as I was changing my tire. When I went to go and get it this huge 18 wheeler rolled over me and smashed me so it took me awhile to get up and get here. My first thought is either you are a complete lunatic, or you don't realize that I know your lying. To have an encounter with something that size would definitely change your life if not kill you,and as I was thinking about that don't we all say at some point we have had an encounter with Jesus by a t-shirt we wear or by a fancy necklace we have on. If we truly have an encounter with the one true Living God, Jesus Christ, who is far bigger than an 18 wheeler, who is the creator of the heavens and earth, don't you think people should be able to see the encounter we have had a little more obvious than a christian logo we wear. I couldn't help but think about this do I let the material I wear speak louder than the very mouth he created on me to proclaim his name. I wonder, do I let the shoes Im wearing speak louder than the very walk he commissioned me to carry out to the world, I wonder. The encounter is a very scary thought to me b/c it really reminds me how much I give into the flesh encounter daily rather than the almighty encounter. I thank God for his loving Grace and Mercy that gives us a new encounter everyday, it's so good to know that we serve a father who has immeasurable compassion. Think about the encounter, or better yet what are we encountering today, JUST US OR JESUS. I hope the encounter we have had is big enough for others to see without me having to say a word, I hope that is my encounter.

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