Wednesday, April 23, 2008

3 weeks Till Africa, The Barbarian Way

I cant tell you how absolutely excited and filled with expectation I am right now, we are only three weeks away from going back to where my heart resides AFRICA. And if I'm completly honest I must say there has not been a day that has gone by since the last trip that I have not thought about the faces or the the beautiful children and people there. In the past few years I have come to the realization that I am pretty wild at Heart, always wanting to be on the move and travel, Challanging myself to new levals of faith and going to places never thought of. I have always had this desire to see every country in the world and share the Gospel there, but there has been something about Africa that has absolutly captured my heart. I am reading this book right now by Erwin McManus called The Barbarian Way and I feel like I should be right in the center, my depest desire is to be like this calling, radical, extreme, sometimes on the brink of insanity when it comes to sharing about Jesus. But the one thing I want the most is to preach this message with my life more than my words, be willing to go wherever and do whatever for Christ. Africa, this land, these people, the children, they have all brought me to a whole new level of Love and a whole new leval of faith. I know that on the outside my biggest struggle is learning how to take that passion on the inside and share it with others with out tearing down the house. I've been told that Im kinda like a horse that is pulling a waggon and the owner lost the reigns and I just took off. Now that sounds pretty bad but they told me it's better to be slowed down than it is to have to try and beg someone to get started. It's tough for me alot of times, wanting to just let it all out but not knowing how. Africa, when my heart goes there it is all laid out and barely a word is even said. When my eyes see what struggle is upon them my heart screams justice, my ears hear help, and my hands grip hope. I long for this adventure Christ has designed for me. I just want all to know him, his Love and Grace. Africa, how it has changed me, Africa it gets in your blood.

1 comment:

Carole Turner said...

The Barbarian Way is my second most favorite book of all times!! I reread it a lot.