Monday, June 4, 2007


So this post I thought about alot while I was putting it together,isent it so strange how in one moment you can be having a really good time with friends and enjoying blessings that God has brought into your life and the very next moment be right in the center of a tragedy. It is very strange to think about how it all has it's timing, well some of these pics made me think how great fellowship is with old friends and celebrating a wedding a unity with Christ, and the other pictures bring you back to the grip of the enemy on the world. I thought it was so weird how only 15 minutes away there is a city full of Idols and False doctrines that are being embraced by a people that Christ so desperatly loves. My eyes were opened soon as I related the fact that there was a wedding reception this weekend celebrating Amanda and Gary's unity with Christ, and that is exactly what Christ wants with his people. There are so many other things capturing the bride of Christ in this world, holding her from his hands Golden statues,cults,and even people striken by poverty, and people striken by wealth. Pastor Dino's blog this week was about Jonah and just going out there, they need you they truly need the Hope of our Savior. The bride must not be lost and I pray that in the fun times and the Joy will will remember that right down the road, in our back yard or even our own home we cant lose sight of his bride. There are good times there are bad things and the devil is just plain ugly.

If you click on the pics they enlarge.

A church of scientology in the middle of Sanfransico UGLY

A homeless man in the wheelchair, there was alot in the city.

Idols also UGLY

Gary and Amanda's wedding Reception

My big head in the city also UGLY haha

At the skeet range with some friends it felt like home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man I am pumped at what God is doing through you and in you. I am stoked that you are with Rob and being a blessing to the campus there. I know that He is going to do mighty things there. Always know that if you need anything all tha you have to do is give a brotha a holla. Later