Monday, February 25, 2008

54 hrs of Amplified

One of the greatest weekends of the year, Amplified. Amplified is our in house student ministries retreat for Jr. High and High school. Your looking at 3 hrs of sleep a night with a bunch of 9th grade boys it was crazy fun. Amplified is once a year, and it is designed to disciple young students for Christ. Worship was amazing and once again students got baptised in the lake behind the church. The last night of worship was 5 hrs long the Holy Ghost fell and lives were changed, then all through out the week we did outreaches. Schools were painted and communities were touched all together there were more than 350 students at Amplified. This year was deffinatly one of the most impacting years of my life, especially when it came to investing in the lives of students. There is something truly life changing that happens when you pour out into someone else's life, someone that looks up to you as a role model. It is a humbling experience. Well if you get a chance pour your life out into someone for Jesus, eternity means so much more than the temporary.

Worship at Highland Campus

Serious dedication to getting the job done(Serving it up Jesus Style).

One group of the 4 we had, there were over 350 students total. This is one of the schools we cleaned.

Lunch at Winbourne, I Love this photo because the dinning hall is packed to capicity and the Cross on the wall is illuminating the room with the light shining on it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dean Martin, Grilled Chicken,Stir Fri

Have you ever got in a mood where you just what to do something really special for the person you Love out of know where? Yesterday was that day, As I was heading home I had some Dean Martin on in my truck and I started thinking, I have not done anything special for Heather in a while. We started a couple of days ago really trying to set apart (valuable) time with one another, mainly due to the fact that for the last couple of years we have bareley seen each other from work,school,Church,Elevate, etc. So I decided to do something special and throw down some Iron Chef in the kitchen and make a home cooked meal. It was awesome, we just sat and talked no tv, no radio, just quality time. Then played with Patton. Sometimes it's really good to just put aside all your work and school stuff and just take a break once and awhile, and that is hard for me because I'm a work aholic. But it was awesome to just get to know each other again, that sounds funny but sometimes you have to do that nowadays b/c of how busy life can be. It's funny because I realised that in 7 yrs I will be 30 yrs old, and that is scarry!! I'm not going to lie I had a complete change of heart towards alot of my priorities after thinking about how fast it all goes by. But anyways Thanks Dean for the moments, and a speacial thanks to cooking directions and the back of the Box. Without you this event would not have been possible. Also Heather, just because I love you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Life Of Elevate Interns

So I know I have posted 3 posts in the last 2 days but I had to post about this today. I was walking out the Annex and I saw Katie standing by the back of her car Hiding, well when I walked over there she was pouring gas into her car. I started busting out laughing. Well here is the sad,funny, but true story. Katie a couple of days ago had her phone turned off and could not talk to anyone b/c she has no money, well today she got enough to go pay her bill and as soon as she turned her car on to leave she ran out of Gas in her parking spot, haha, well Kaycee took her to the gas station and got her a can to get gas. Pretty funny, but such is the life of Katie and the rest of us interns. Anyways hope that was funny. And if you get a chance pray for Katie.


(We fight the battle with the giant of distraction- we let Minor things steal our major Moments. We live in "excuseville" or "Apathy Township" where we miss out on Gods best in exchange for another average day.) I read this off of Pastor Dino's Blog and it smoked me in the face! I thought to myself where are the areas in my life that I need to work on to keep this from happening. What are the places that hide away that need to be brought out of the comfort zone and released so new levels can be reached? What a great statement and so much truth. Great word Pastor D.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Surface or Surrender

I often wonder sometimes what the fine line is between authentic or production in ministry, genuine or glamarious. Do we understand the true meaning of surrender or have we become the face of our culture, Surface. This weekend I was at an event and it really bothered me to see some of the things I saw this generation behaving like. One moment, young people are in a worship setting and the next moment the same people are throwing stuff and spitting on the protestors oposing the event. One moment you see hundreds of youth running to the alter and the next you see them laughing at Homeless people as they walk on by. Now Im not saying anything about the kids as bad people I do know they are young and have growing to do and also grace and mercy must be shown and given. But what really got to me was watching the leaders of these youth just watch, adults, who are the spiritual guides not say a word as these actions were being done. Now not all of the kids were doing this, only a few, alot of them went back inside but there was a good number who acted out. As I witnessed these things I could not help but stand and say something, not out of anger but Love. It bothered me to see how the people at the event were giving the world the very reason to look at Christians as Hypocrites and to portray Jesus in so many ways other than who he is. Why is it that so many times the face of the Christian world react's in anger rather than Love, judgement rather than compassion, and law rather than forgiveness. After asking people to please not react that way towards the protestors, but instead show them Love and grace I felt completly alone. Have you ever seen something taking place and you thought to yourself am I the only one who thinks something should be done, are there not others that think this is wrong. I find that it mainly ends up being times of obedience rather than complecency. I dont want to be surface I want to be surrendered. I dont want comfort I want Christ. I dont want the American dream to substitute Gods plan. And I dont want to let culture be a bigger voice than Gods word. A t-shirt will not define Christ for me nor will it be what shows others his love from me, but my Love for others and my obedience to him will. A bunch of smile's on Sunday morning cannot cover up our hearts motives, let us be so thoughtful of our actions and how others see us, so that when we do mess up they wont mistake it with Christ but our own desires as man. I have been so guilty of these things in my life on many occasions, but I do know one thing I do not want my heart to be surface relationship, but true surrender to Christ. If this can be done there is no telling how the body of Christ could reach the world.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Truth About Love

I've been having some thoughts the last couple of days about this statement. The Truth About Love. For those that dont know, Pastor Joel from Bethany World Prayer Center has been through a tremendous battle for the past month with his wife and her passing, and last night HPC as a family went to support our family down the road Bethany by joining them in service. It was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had with God. As the night went on something was stirred in my heart about Love. This is what it's all about, the body of Christ embracing one another and bearing one another's burdens, weather joy or sorrow, rain or sun we will run this race together. If your not a follower of Christ this is hard to understand. Why would someone bear with another that they know so little about, or have know relationship with. The answer is simple, because of Christ Love for us we also love one another. Because of his obedience on the Cross giving us sinners freedom from death, all of us believers have this in common. We are free our past life and are together new in Christ, what a thought, that we are now brother and sisters in Christ. Not because of anything we have done but because of what he has done for us.The truth about Love is this, that man cannot achieve the Love our father has for us, and if we could grasp just a little of it than walls would be torn down and egos would be broken. We would no longer look at the name of a building but the heart of a person. The truth is that Love is what the Father is and Love is what the Father wants. I pray that our pride would be removed and our hearts exposed. Love no matter the cost and love without want, just give. There are Lost people all around, and without his Love shown through us all they will see is an empty bottle with nothing to drink. I pray that we share his Love!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Testimony

This past tuesday morning was probably one of the most Amazing experiences of my life.Every Tues we have school clubs at the surrounding schools in the local area all together there are about 8 diffrent schools we go to. I have the awesome priveledge of being at Denham Springs for the last two years helping out with there morning club,and this particular morning I was sharing about my testimony. It was to be honest a nerve racking thing for me, I usually never get nervous about anything but this morning I was just sweating it. This was the third week of the series called Testimony and the previous two messages were slamming. Adam Brandon and Natalie Spera, they both preached up a storm. But during the whole night God really kept leading me to 1st John 5:10, and it is completly about how our testimony after we give our hearts to Christ no is removed and we tell the testimony of Christ and what he did, and how he changed our life. Basically we had a story we were writting in our lives and after we execpted Christ His story his testimony now becomes our testimony, because his story is what gives us life and freedom in him and to the father. After I shared I just felt God nudging my heart to ask any of the students if they wanted to execpt Christ and one little girl raised her hand it touched my heart so much. If it is just one then that is what it is worth. To God be the Glory his story moved the heart of that youg girl and she responded to his call how awesome is that. It made me feel so humbled that God would even allow me to be apart of that. I just stood back and was amazed at what he was doing, that very moment eternity was written and the kingdom was impacted. I have truly learned that when you let God add his Super to our Natural then amazing things happen. It has nothing to do with me it's all about the Love Christ showed on the Cross. That is what changes lives and that is what makes the diffrence, apart from this we can do nothing. What a great day in the kingdom, what an Honor to serve, and what a priveledge to do the work of the father. God you are so good let us become less so you can become more, let us become invisiable so you can become visiable. Let not us speak of our story but of your testimony that has changed our lives. To You be all the Glory.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mix UP

I just want to clarify something on my old post about General Patton( I never really had a foundation set up to get a boxer it was a joke about Heather getting her husky. My Mom and Danny suprised me with him for an early graduation gift from elevate.If it seemed like I was raising money for him Im sorry about that. I promise I never recieved any money for the Dog, I just kinda made a typo.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Yard Sale For Missions at HPC

Right now Im actually at the Garage Sale at Highland and it is 12:11pm, and I have to say this is one of the funnest fundraising events we ever get to do in Elevate.Ther are many reasons why it is so fun so let me give a line up. A: The crazy stuff people want to get rid of at a Church fundraiser. B: A 24hr all night and next day work till you are dilerious feeling. C:The Crazy stuff youll see throughout the night. I Love it because you stay up for 2 days getting the whole thing done but also, there is some odd moments all throughout the night that just have to be blogged. After all who would want to miss all the fun and excitment of old underware and used toilet seats that we get to sell from the wonderful donations made. Anyways this is the time the truly dedicated come out at like 2:00 in the morning with there kids and get the really good deals. Im sorry but you can find me in the Big warm bed if you need me. But whatever it takes to get it done, sometimes the 2nd mile is what you need to get it done for the Missions trip. Or just a good ole Elevate intern. Either way to God be all the Glory!

Check this Pic out (International Brides Dolls we found in a Box)man I got to get the set. HaHa, my Boy Brandon B, then Jamie, then Kristina.

International Brides

The Lot at HPC Yard sale style.

My Boy Jordan tired and Cold, I got to give him props though, he is one of the hardest working guys I know.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

General Patton has arrived!

So for my Elevate graduation, even though it's still 4 months away guess what I got? Yep, my Boxer. His name is Patton, after the General from WWII. It took me awhile to figure out a name because I wanted a cool warrior name, but I finally found one I think it's pretty cool. But he is six weeks old and getting big. Anyways thanks to all of you who sponsered the (Barton Pickens wants a Boxer really really bad foundation)you guys made the dream come true!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Legacy Continues SEMPER FI

So it's official, my brother Ray has enlisted in the United States Marine Corp. I have got so many diffrent emotions and feelings about it all but the one thing I do know is I am very proud, and I completly stand behind him. It's pretty cool to see two generations of Marines in the family. Ray ships out to Paris Island (South Carolina) on July 14 and will start a whole new chapter in his life. If there is anyone who can do it I know he can, simply because of heart. Honor Courage Committment, Semper Fi stay true to others thats what the Corp is all about. Serving, so that others may have the freedom many do not. Ray carries all these Virtues, and will stand tall on the Grinder as so many before him have. Get some Ray OORAH!!


My brother Raymond

The first memory of Paris Island( Once you get off my bus I want you to get on my yellow footprints is that understood. Yes Sir!)