Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Testimony

This past tuesday morning was probably one of the most Amazing experiences of my life.Every Tues we have school clubs at the surrounding schools in the local area all together there are about 8 diffrent schools we go to. I have the awesome priveledge of being at Denham Springs for the last two years helping out with there morning club,and this particular morning I was sharing about my testimony. It was to be honest a nerve racking thing for me, I usually never get nervous about anything but this morning I was just sweating it. This was the third week of the series called Testimony and the previous two messages were slamming. Adam Brandon and Natalie Spera, they both preached up a storm. But during the whole night God really kept leading me to 1st John 5:10, and it is completly about how our testimony after we give our hearts to Christ no is removed and we tell the testimony of Christ and what he did, and how he changed our life. Basically we had a story we were writting in our lives and after we execpted Christ His story his testimony now becomes our testimony, because his story is what gives us life and freedom in him and to the father. After I shared I just felt God nudging my heart to ask any of the students if they wanted to execpt Christ and one little girl raised her hand it touched my heart so much. If it is just one then that is what it is worth. To God be the Glory his story moved the heart of that youg girl and she responded to his call how awesome is that. It made me feel so humbled that God would even allow me to be apart of that. I just stood back and was amazed at what he was doing, that very moment eternity was written and the kingdom was impacted. I have truly learned that when you let God add his Super to our Natural then amazing things happen. It has nothing to do with me it's all about the Love Christ showed on the Cross. That is what changes lives and that is what makes the diffrence, apart from this we can do nothing. What a great day in the kingdom, what an Honor to serve, and what a priveledge to do the work of the father. God you are so good let us become less so you can become more, let us become invisiable so you can become visiable. Let not us speak of our story but of your testimony that has changed our lives. To You be all the Glory.

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