Wednesday, May 21, 2008


With only two days left I cant even begin to express how breathtaking this trip has been, and it has been so different from last year. I wish I could post all the pictures and talk to you for days about the desolate regions we climbed mountains and ran through valley's to see people hidden in the mountains. The children at the care points that would hold on to us for days for if we could stay, and the swazi's that welcomed us as if we were there own family. Oh my heart is full and dreams have come true beyond what I could have even imagined. It's had to think that this whole year has passed, this trip is almost over and in 4 days and we graduate Healing Place School of Ministry the day after we get back. Africa, what an adventure, what a ministry, what a priveledge. You can never forget the faces, or what those little eyes speak to you ever time you see them it shakes you up. And hopefully it disturbes the comftorable. I cant even imagine how these little ones have so much joy with so little, singing song's of praise to Jesus, and playing with coke bottles with wire hangers in them for toys. Let us not forget why God has blessed us so much so that we can bless other's. Jesus the hope of all the world and the answer to it all. One last story, last night I went into the dinner room and the had a group of business men meeting about 14, they were all hugging and crying telling stories (I kinda snuck up on them to hear what they were talking about)about how much they were determined to share the name of Christ throughout all of Swaziland, and southern Africa. They told there battle stories and carried each other's burden's it was beautiful. That's what it all about Christ no matter where now matter who it's the name above all name's that name is Jesus.


Anonymous said...

whats up dude how cool im watching you

Heather Stewart said...

man you really nailed it. we are blessed to be a blessing. we have seen their faces, heard their songs of praise, held their little hands and been amazed at their willingness to give of the little they have. wow. we are responsible for telling their stories and we are responsible for telling Jesus' story. what an honor!