Ballet Girl(AKA Kristiana Blout)Worked for Circus o La, got mad moves on the dance floor watch out b/c she's crazy to. West Monroe Louisiana ( AKA Hana Montana) Sweet tea anyone, yep good old Ray Charles and a front porch to sit on and that your girl she's awesome and huge blessing to elevate.
Honduras (AKA Heather Stewart) she's awesome moving to Honduras after we come back from Africa to be a Missionary there. Huge Heart and does whatever it takes to see Jesus lifted.
Prison Mate (AKA Adam Brandon) Prison worship leader for Angola great guy and long time friend, if you need it done right it will get done right with adam, slamming voice to trust me this brother can sing.
Thought this would be funny my Dog Koah she is a Siberian Husky and getting a bath, I have to say that she did pretty well and makes for a pretty good lion cub. Horrible attitude and does not listen but what can I say Heather loves her, haha I do to.
Wait Georgia??? I"M FROM WEST MONROE!!!!!!! :)
Koah does not have a horrible attitude she's just strog willed liker her momma, lol and I do love her
My brother has requested that everyday that I don't get eaten by a lion you will include in your blog, "Today Kristina did not get eaten by a lion."
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