Well Thursday night we had our big Bar B-QUE and final show for the parents for VBS. There was over 220 people that showed up for the event and over 3/4 of them were first time visitors. God really did awesome things this week and moved the hearts of Danville like only he can. There was so much work that went into the event and God really blessed us for all the effort put into VBS. Countless hours and a tremendous lack of sleep the amazing people of HPC Danville with Gods annointing did an awesome job. With all of that said it has now become a bitter sweet moment for me. Saturday morning I head out on a long drive back home and I am so looking to see my Love Heather, the family, and just get back to rocking and rolling at the Highland Campus with my Refuge guys. But at the same time there are some relationships I have built here that I am sad to see continue from a distance. Great people like Pastor Rob and Brianna Read, Tyler and Michelle Douglass my extended family, Roger and Kathy Gunderson and so many more, also my boy Ricki great servant and one day a great leader. It was truly an awesome experience and journey for me to look into the lives of the great men and women here and share life with them, I am so thankful for their Hearts and how they serve and for allowing me the opportunity to be apart of what God is doing. HPC Danville has changed my life and truly has become closer to my heart than I would have ever known.
Two thousand one hundred and ninty five miles of open road, what do you see in front of you. For me it was a journey, and an experience I will never forget. I have grown so much and have learned a lifetime. Now it's time to start again, moving closer towards Christ, and knowing that only on the path less followed is the path that leads to him. Thankyou Danville you guys are Awesome.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
VBS and a whole lot of KIDS
Well today was the first day of Vacation Bible School and the turn out was awesome. With a few friends out from the Highland Campus in Baton Rouge to help out, and the great team here at Danville the day was a huge impact for the kingdom. With all the work that has gone into the week, sleepless nights,long days of painting, mixing cement,and building sets it finally has all come together. God has truly blessed us with such a great opportunity to reach the world, weather in Mozambique Africa or Danville California lives are being touched and Souls are being won to the Kingdom. To God be the Glory.
Heather,Me,and Becky Perkins
Heather,Me,and Becky Perkins
Saturday, July 21, 2007
All Quiet On the Western Front
So After a long day of setting up VBS props, and getting the class rooms ready at the school we are using for the event I got presented the opportunity to be the security for the next 7 days at the school for 24 hrs a day seven days a week HAHA. Of course I'll be able to sleep here and there but I'm a one man firewatch. Turns out Im cheaper than hiring a guard to do the job. So after hrs of strategic planning and setting up defence perimeters, trip wire's, boopy traps, and building sand bag bunkers I finally got into position for the night. Armed with the most sophisticated weaponary I knew without a doubt that My Journal, Bible, and My DVD player would keep the area secure. It was a long night battling the elements but the 70 degree temp, clear skies, and bugless surrounding's could not keep me from doing my job, all in a days work I say. So for now I'm one down and 6 to go. I only know that with my intense training and survival skills will I be able to make it, my power bars and fruit punch drinks are low in supply so until next time, I will send a smoke signal to let anyone know of the Trouble on the Horizion.
This was 2:30 in the Morning and I managed to get to the roof for a better view
This was 2:30 in the Morning and I managed to get to the roof for a better view
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Whole lot Happening
Well there has been alot going on in the last few weeks and and I figured I would share a little of the action, VBS is this Monday and we have been working our tails off. I ve been painting like crazy for the past week and 1/2, I've basically turned Tyler's house into a studio. We went to the Celebrities vs Legangs games a couple Sundays ago, it was a Blast Tyler really hooked me up with an Official signature of Ozzie Smith Hall of Famer it was so tight, I got to watch him play against Rob Schneider it was a great Day. And I got to go to a Bike Race here in Lafayette it was awesome with the tour going on and the Race this past weekend I was pumped I must have watched about 3 diffrent races in a total of 3 hours. All in all things are moving pretty quick and God is moving, all I can say is that it's so amazing to be apart of something so much bigger than ourselves, and it's all for His Glory.
Tyler you are the Man!
Rad and Me at the Game
The Big race Day
Tyler you are the Man!
Rad and Me at the Game
The Big race Day
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Dont Plug the Holes
Have you ever gone fishing and while you were sitting in your boat you noticed that water was coming in. This has happened to me more times than I would have liked, from the sides,in the back,holes all over the place. Water just seemed to keep filling the boat no matter how many times I would plug the holes or try to fill the spot where the problem was coming from. I was reading Proverbs 22:3 today and it says,"A sensible person sees danger and takes cover, but the unexperienced keep going and are punished. I gave the thought about the boat b/c it made me think about this. Have you ever tried to do something about a bad situtation and it just seemed to get worse every time you tried to fix it or patch it up. Or while the leaks keep poping up you notice that with all Your efforts you at most plug the leak temporarly and then later on it sprouts all over the place again, and most of the time you dont even see it coming or where from. Well I have four thoughts for the day since this is my first teacher mode in awhile.
If you continue to just put bandades on the places that need stitches then the
same leaks will keep poping up. The boat needs to be taken out of the water and
the hole's need to be rapaired by the one who can completly restore and not
just plug it temporaly.
Usually there is someone out there who has been in the boat a few more times than
we have ask them there experiences and what to look out for. Dont attack w/o
knowing your enemy. Always examine what it is your dealing with dont just go
head on w/o knowing what your dealing with.
If your original plan dosent work dont keep pushing out further into the water
while the plugs keep failing, know before hand you will have another plan in
case your first fails.
Dont take someones opinion to heart, everyone has an opinion which would make
truth relative to each persons own opinion. Go to the WORD, see what God has to
say and if it matches wht you hear great, but if not stay away and stick to Gods
word. That makes everything black and white.
What seeds are you sowing this summer. Good or bad your planting something,and remember what your planting towards or in.
If you continue to just put bandades on the places that need stitches then the
same leaks will keep poping up. The boat needs to be taken out of the water and
the hole's need to be rapaired by the one who can completly restore and not
just plug it temporaly.
Usually there is someone out there who has been in the boat a few more times than
we have ask them there experiences and what to look out for. Dont attack w/o
knowing your enemy. Always examine what it is your dealing with dont just go
head on w/o knowing what your dealing with.
If your original plan dosent work dont keep pushing out further into the water
while the plugs keep failing, know before hand you will have another plan in
case your first fails.
Dont take someones opinion to heart, everyone has an opinion which would make
truth relative to each persons own opinion. Go to the WORD, see what God has to
say and if it matches wht you hear great, but if not stay away and stick to Gods
word. That makes everything black and white.
What seeds are you sowing this summer. Good or bad your planting something,and remember what your planting towards or in.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Race is On
For all of you that don't know my favorite athlete in the world is Lance Armstrong and for the last 3 days now the most grueling race on earth has been taking place, The Tour De France. To give some stats on this years race I want to put the numbers into perspective. I drove 2195 miles to get to Danville California from Louisiana in 2 days, this years tour is 21 days and 2191 miles long that is over half of the United States in 21 days on a bike and 4 miles less than what I drove. There are over 181 cyclist in the race,only 3 will place and one will win the yellow jersey. I love this sport so much b/c it is absolutely a test of the will and the desire inside of you, how hard are you willing to push and how much will you give to be the man in yellow. Even though Lance no longer races I still think about the great achievements he made 7 tour wins. No one in history has ever won past 3 in a row, but Lance won 7 in a row.I had this Simple thought, when things get tough don't give up there is a long race ahead but the prize at the end is worth it. There are alot of people pursuing the end some will finish some will not, some will walk away from the race and some will finish at the very top. So what will it be for you, THE RACE IS ON
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Time Is Near
I dont often get into talks about the end times or when it will all unfold but tonight something really bothered me. After I had dinner with Rob I was driving on the freeway back to the house and it was dark outside, all I could see were hundreds of cars driving in the dark in all diffrent directions trying to find a way out of the chaios. After I got to the house I again started thinking about all the people that were still on the road in the dark looking for direction, I started feeling very burdened and a deep pain inside because it hit me, if Jesus had come back right now that is exactly how the world would be, frantically driving in the dark looking for direction. Everyone that would be left behind would be searching for a way out. I went inside and started reading and I came to Rev 22:12-16 12"Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Then I remembered Paul saying that those who are already in Christ Jesus are citizens of Heaven and that we are seated there right now. But what about those in the Dark what about them, they need Jesus they must know him I dont want the Lost to go on like this. That scripture said all those on the outside are lost and dont know Jesus, and Paul said we are already citizens if we are in Christ Jesus and believe in him. I have determined that us as citizens must go outside the gate and share the Love of Jesus to a world driving around in the dark hopelessly looking for a way out. We must feel that burden for them and get outside of where it's safe, they might be hiding in the dark not wanting to be found but when the light gets there they will see a way out. And those that cant find a way it's our job to let them know the way. I cant help but think about all the unsaved people I must pass every day and dont even know it.I want with all my heart for those in the dark to come in the light, let's go to them, for he is coming and without a relationship with him they will always be lost in the dark.
A Video I found.
A Video I found.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Can They See The Diffrence
Now I know that this was probably illegal but I hope that this post will make us all think. I saw this car a couple of Days ago and it went by so fast I could not get a picture of the Christian fish/budda decal on the back, well a couple of days later I was riding my bike and sure enough I found the car. When I sat there and looked at it for awhile I got so bothered by this image,is that what everyone thinks, is my Savior comparable to a false God,does the world see us Christians as just another catagory that fits in with the rest of them, there all the same no big diffrence. Just chose one, or even mix and match and things will turn out ok. What is so wrong with this picture! It's not about religion or self help, material posessions or money, it's not about or name or our ministry. It's None of these things, it's a priveledge to just be able to be considered a servant, and a blessing to be loaned the things God has given us. What it's about is the story of Christ and his Love for the world. When we live for ourselves(which I am very guilty of)the world can easily say that there all the same and that it's all relative, but when we Live for him and for others they will see Christ and thankfully not us. I pray they can see the diffrence in me, I so want this. I want the world to know why he is diffrent and real. I want there to be such a diffrence they dont even half to ask! And I pray that thru our Love the World will see the diffrence, in me, in the church, and Christ will be the diffrence maker for them.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The Gospel Must Go forth
Well it's been an interesting past week, with all the work that has been going on at the Danville Campus the Devil has been attacking big time back home. My Younger brother has been going thru alot recently trying to stay on the right path, my grandmother just had a surgery to remove possible cancer, and my best friend has just walked out on his wife. With all of this going on it brought me back to something I told the Elevate team before we went to Africa, the Devil cant contend with the immediate work God has anointed us to do, he circles around us to attack from the rear. He goes after our family's our loved one's and anything he can to distract us from what God has appointed us to do. It's been a tuff week. I remembered Paul and his words of encouragement, his words of strength, words of Devotion. I press on towards the Mark and high calling of Christ Jesus, forgetting what was behind me and looking forward towards the Goal. Man this brought comfort,healing,and a fire to see the Lost in Danville come to know Christ. Proverbs 18:10 Says "The name of the Lord is a strong Tower;the righteous run to it and are protected. I couldn't think of anything but Press forward towards Christ, he kept me on his path. The Pictures are from our Water outreach that we were doing to help promote our VBS and to just bless the community. We had a great turn out and over 400 bottles got passed out, we had a guy come give a donation to the Church this morning just b/c he liked what we were doing. The devil can try all he wants to stop God's Glory out here but the Lord will not have it, The Gospel must Go Forth. So I encourage you, Press on and remember it is a High Calling, which means there will be things in the way of the Summit, but you must press forward and remember the Lost that so desperately need the Love and Salvation of Christ Jesus.
Preparing for the Water outreach
Tyler and Me have been building this barn for VBS
These are the animals I have been making for VBS, it's been alot of painting and drawing to get close to 14 animals done.
My Favorite Car in the World, I took out a loan and made a purchase from this guy in Danville, I figured it would look nice next to my Chevy and Bicycle
Preparing for the Water outreach
Tyler and Me have been building this barn for VBS
These are the animals I have been making for VBS, it's been alot of painting and drawing to get close to 14 animals done.
My Favorite Car in the World, I took out a loan and made a purchase from this guy in Danville, I figured it would look nice next to my Chevy and Bicycle
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