Saturday, March 29, 2008
What are Your Sandals
For the past few days I have really been meditating on this one scripture from Exodus 3:4-5, the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. The scripture verse I've really been reading over and over again says this vs 4. When the Lord saw that he(Moses) had gone over to look, God called out to him from the bush,"Moses,Moses!" "Here I am," he answered. 5 "Do not come any closer,"He said.Take your Sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. Take your Sandals off, for awhile I could not understand why this was so important to God, but once I started doing inventory in my own life I understood why He showed me this verse. Have you ever been in a worship setting or in your prayer time and over and over again you could not understand why you could not feel God's presence. I looked at this scripture and the Holy spirit gave me this. Barton I am bringing us together,I'm right next to you but I wont let you come any closer, and we cannot begin this meeting until you take your sandals off. Barton there are some thing's in your life that until you put those aside and get bare before me I cant share with you. You cant have just some of me and then go, or pick and chose when you want or how much of me you want for the day. It's all or nothing, and I will share with you once you remove the things in your life that are hindering you from experiencing all of me. WOW, it might seem like God was smoking me with some serious heart issues but it was the simplest most sincere Love towards the obvious. Spend 3 hrs on TV and then expect God to show up in the 5 min of prayer before bed time. Or pray on the way to work instead of getting up early for my quiet time. I loved this moment, truth, raw Love, and his word that always brings us back to him. For a long time I used to get so upset and would feel like I let God down and he would now put me aside when I failed at things like this, but as I grew older and I realized that the correction was his Love it was amazing, if he never corrected me then he wouldn't care about me becoming better. He just wants me bare and unhindered, hang the hat up and put the coat on the rack, stay awhile you know. It hurts when you have friends that you want to be close with but you know they are holding something in,burring themselves in frustration,bitterness,jealously,fear. It's the same thing I believe with God, he's crying out cast all those things aside and I will take care of them ,but if you try to bring them in the meeting and hold onto them and not let go, then we wont be able to have each other fully. If I'm honest my Sandals are often myself, just plan old me. God I'm ready to meet but let me do my thing first. Oh how I love his Grace, and his patience with this weak man. What beautiful moments when the Sandals are removed and Jesus is near. For when we are bare before him he can clothe us in his righteousness, no better place to be. Now the question we must ask is what are our Sandals?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Blemish and Blessing
Well it's done, the most macked out Air conditioned cable installed Dog House in all the land has arrived. It took me a couple of days and plenty of trips to the scrap piles to get the supplies but I would say it's the best looking Blemish on the Block. Patton and Koah are staying outside now because they are getting so big so I had to hook em up. If your wondering what the blue stuff is that's Pool liner cut into the most efficient water proofing job in the housing industry, all together there is 5 types of wood a sleeping bag and roofing nails holding it together. I felt pretty proud after I was done. You know what they say one mans junk is another man treasure. I think as far as the back yard goes it looks like junk though, haha.
And on a Spiritual note we received a huge blessing today at our Baton Rouge Dream Center. Shane Gautreax who comes to HPC, owns a lawn care business, he seriously hooked it up with some amazing lawn equipment and tools for us to keep the property looking so fresh and so clean clean. For a few month's we had desperately needed some lawn care equipment to take care of the facilities and God answered our prayer's. Shane showed up with 6 brand new lawn mowers,5 weed eaters, 4 blowers, gas and string and also told us if anything ever goes wrong take it directly to him and he will replace it free every time. Say what! how awesome is that, God is amazing, stay faithful with the little and you will be given much. That has been the story of the dream center's. And the promise of Gods word.
And on a Spiritual note we received a huge blessing today at our Baton Rouge Dream Center. Shane Gautreax who comes to HPC, owns a lawn care business, he seriously hooked it up with some amazing lawn equipment and tools for us to keep the property looking so fresh and so clean clean. For a few month's we had desperately needed some lawn care equipment to take care of the facilities and God answered our prayer's. Shane showed up with 6 brand new lawn mowers,5 weed eaters, 4 blowers, gas and string and also told us if anything ever goes wrong take it directly to him and he will replace it free every time. Say what! how awesome is that, God is amazing, stay faithful with the little and you will be given much. That has been the story of the dream center's. And the promise of Gods word.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Cross Before Me!!!(Grace)
The Altar's full during Easter Services, view from behind the cross looking out.
I have to say before I write that I snagged this pic from Pastor Dino's blog, but it truly echo's what God was speaking to me this weekend deep in my heart. Words of Life and Love. I had a really humbling experience during services Saturday and Sunday of being able to move the Cross into position 5 times and each time jolted me with this phrase from an old song(The Cross Before Me). When Sunday services came to an end I went and sat at the ball fields just to think about all that God had done in the past couple of days and I began to pray about what he told me. God am I not keeping you first what do you mean, I would ask and he kept telling me the same thing. Eventually I quit trying to answer my own prayer and I just listened to him. Each time I picked up the Cross I was behind it, not at the base or on the side but behind it lifting it up and moving it down to position. As I listened to what God was saying it came to me. Barton, as long as people see what I have done for them they wont get distracted by what man tries to do. When the Cross is before me people will be drawn to Christ. As long as I keep Christ in front of me and I don't try to get in front of him people will see his plan of Salvation. It is such a beautiful picture from behind the Cross, Why? Because people were drawn to Christ message not man's,our job is to present him, let him be front and center, and us step clear out of the way. The Message of the Cross must be put before us, I love what John 12:32 says, and when I am lifted up on the cross I will draw all men unto myself. It was such an awesome view, being behind the cross because I was thinking to my self here it is, now let me get out of the way so we can see what it is all about, his plan of salvation. And finally God gave me a gift at the end of the day, I moved it five times for the weekend the biblical number for Grace is 5. It was so cool how he showed me that, Barton my grace will always be sufficient for you through the cross. Everything you have ever done and anything you have ever failed at my grace covers you at is all you need, nothing more and nothing less. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, The Cross before Me is his plan, and his grace is in the Cross.
I have to say before I write that I snagged this pic from Pastor Dino's blog, but it truly echo's what God was speaking to me this weekend deep in my heart. Words of Life and Love. I had a really humbling experience during services Saturday and Sunday of being able to move the Cross into position 5 times and each time jolted me with this phrase from an old song(The Cross Before Me). When Sunday services came to an end I went and sat at the ball fields just to think about all that God had done in the past couple of days and I began to pray about what he told me. God am I not keeping you first what do you mean, I would ask and he kept telling me the same thing. Eventually I quit trying to answer my own prayer and I just listened to him. Each time I picked up the Cross I was behind it, not at the base or on the side but behind it lifting it up and moving it down to position. As I listened to what God was saying it came to me. Barton, as long as people see what I have done for them they wont get distracted by what man tries to do. When the Cross is before me people will be drawn to Christ. As long as I keep Christ in front of me and I don't try to get in front of him people will see his plan of Salvation. It is such a beautiful picture from behind the Cross, Why? Because people were drawn to Christ message not man's,our job is to present him, let him be front and center, and us step clear out of the way. The Message of the Cross must be put before us, I love what John 12:32 says, and when I am lifted up on the cross I will draw all men unto myself. It was such an awesome view, being behind the cross because I was thinking to my self here it is, now let me get out of the way so we can see what it is all about, his plan of salvation. And finally God gave me a gift at the end of the day, I moved it five times for the weekend the biblical number for Grace is 5. It was so cool how he showed me that, Barton my grace will always be sufficient for you through the cross. Everything you have ever done and anything you have ever failed at my grace covers you at is all you need, nothing more and nothing less. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, The Cross before Me is his plan, and his grace is in the Cross.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
24 hrs of MAN Time
Summed up in one phrase, Man Time. My boy Bryan and me took off to the camp in Mississippi this weekend for some good ole hang out and Chill time. It was an awesome weekend, Bryan has really become a good friend in my life over the past year and has invested alot in me as a true friend, him and his fiancee Stephanie are an awesome couple and really have an authentic relationship with Christ, their awesome. But this past week we decided to just take off for a get away and ran into alot more than we bargained for. Snakes,cats,turtles,and glass bottles mixed with a little testosterone and a lot of Gun power turns into a great combo. We turned the camp chill time into a war zone against evil poisonous rodents, and a shooting range for big guns. It was a great week just connecting with God, and really growing personal relationships. God always does something special when Men come together under the heart of Christ. I love the story of David's mighty men and the heart of unity they had, Loyalty,Courage,and Determination. Willing to do whatever it takes for the cause of Christ and for the committment to one another. The strength that comes from men who have the same heart for Christ and same passion for the Gospel is overwhelming to the enemy. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is jOHN 15:13 FOR GREATER lOVE HAS NO MAN THAN THIS THAN TO LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR ANOTHER. It's hard to find true friends in this day and age, ones that wont want anything in return other than your friendship. That's way this weekend was so cool, our bond grew closer as brother's but more than that our heart's grew closer towards Christ. That is what it is all about.
Two snakes I almost stepped on, thankfully Bryan and my Springfield 45 took care of that.
My Boy Bryan and the snakes,two cotton mouth's.
My Dog General Patton(Boxer) his first field trip outside the yard, he loved it.
Two snakes I almost stepped on, thankfully Bryan and my Springfield 45 took care of that.
My Boy Bryan and the snakes,two cotton mouth's.
My Dog General Patton(Boxer) his first field trip outside the yard, he loved it.
Monday, March 17, 2008
2 Amazing days of Ministry
So where do I begin Friday and Saturday have been some of the most amazing days of my life. Friday we scheduled a guys night at the Highland Campus,and not just any guys night but the ultimate guys night. Capture the flag, 15 of my favorite refuge guys showed up to the Church at 9:00 and went Rambo mode until 11:00 it was one of the funnest night's I've ever had. I absolutly love youth ministry and especially the guys, it's sad but true that nowadays you see so few men taking a stand because of the lack of input into their lives, but I'm proud to be apart of a church that makes it high priority. I love watching young men come together like David's mighty men of the Bible, just giving it all to Jesus. It really inspires me to want to do more for Christ just seeing how they serve and live for God, they are all like little brothers to me. And then Saturday was a life Changing experience for me, I had an amazing opportunity to speak to some amazing young adults out at Denham Springs for a get together. Every tuesday morning we go to the freshman high and hangout with the kids before school, we bring food, talk about God, and just have fun it's a real awesome priveledge. But for the last couple of months we had been trying to get an event together for after school, a bar-b-que, swimming party, something but it never happened. But this past Saturday we finally pulled it off, and I have to say it was beyond words what took place, God deffinatly showed up that day and changed not only young students hearts, but mine as well. The Denham Students had practiced for 6 months on the life House play that they performed that afternoon and it honestly brought me to tears watching them, seeing God use them to touch heart's, they really did and awesome job. And a young man named Austin lead worship he did a slamming job and really poured his heart out. After the break I had the priveledge of sharring my heart with them about Taking a Stand. I could not stop thinking about all the things in my life that have gone on and how there are so many people far more worthy and far greater than me when it comes to their faith and personal relationship with God. Why me, what do I have to say, God you must know who I am right why not someone else. It was so humbling. I love how God will bless you and speak to you in the most powerful ways and it not even be for you but completly for others. At the end two girls gave their hearts to Jesus, and one girl recommitted her life to him. I cant say enough that those moments are the greatest in the world. To know that you got to be apart of eternity, not because of anything i did but everything Christ did. What a priveledge what a blessing. Their is so much to say about God's love, but not a life time long enough to do so. I pray that I get to experience God moments like that more, and decide in myself that the sideline will never be an option for me but, I will do what ever it takes to serve Christ.
Capture The Flag, My Rambo Squad
The Denham Students doing the Life House Play and me sharing with the students about Taking A Stand
Capture The Flag, My Rambo Squad
The Denham Students doing the Life House Play and me sharing with the students about Taking A Stand
Friday, March 14, 2008
Deep slow cook!
I have had time to think about what happened this past weekend and what God is doing in all of this. Alot of times my mind would wonder and believe that little ole me has very little impact,but in the end God showed me something that has been churning in my soul. The time when Jesus was at the synagogue and the man with the crippled hand was asking for help kept coming to my mind over and over. Jesus was in the synagogue on the sabbath and all the Pharisees were watching and waiting for Him to make the mistake of breaking the law, Jesus having compassion on the man healed his hand despite of what the Pharisees might say or do. When I was driving back to my house there was a sense of peace in my heart that I have not felt before, the feeling that everything I had I left on the field and held nothing back. There was a sense of no matter what Man might think or no matter how my family might look at me I have to do what is right I have to share the good news. I thought about Jesus alot in those moments, what did he think about the religious leaders, did his heart hurt more for them than the man with the disability, or was he driven to do what he did to show them true Love goes beyond an institution or a man made rule. I believe that Jesus heart was broken for them both, knowing they did not understand he had to show them, and knowing the man had a need he had to show him Love. Beyond what it would cost him. Earthly pride, position, man's disapproval, all these things Christ saw and said it's worth it for my father's glory he must be shown in this he must be glorified. I kept hearing God's voice saying do you care more about how you will be viewed or your comfortable state or do you want them to know me, because if you do then you wont care about the position your in but use the position I have given you to share about me. There was defiantly fear, what do I say, how do I say it, I kept trying to tell myself what does a 23 yr old have to say about Christ to his dad and grandmother. Then God stopped me and said it's not about what you have to say it's about what I already done. Out of all these thoughts the one thing that has stuck with me is Christ did what was right regardless of what culture thought, what people what say, how how they would react. He honored God and pressed through the wall of comfort and pleasure and put himself on the line to show others the heart of the father, Love. I pray that in any situation no matter how uncomfortable or how much we would rather the easy road or pleasure, we will take the high road put ourselves aside and tell others the good news. The message of Christ, that one uncomfortable moment for us could be someone Else's greatest moment ever, a relationship with Jesus.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
3yrs, A Time of Hope, A day of Reflection
In the past couple of weeks I've been faced with a Family situation that has placed alot of weight on my heart, and has made me think alot about my faith. My Grandmother Shabba, my Dad's mom, went into the Hospital about a week and a Half ago from Emphysema, and was put on over 90% of oxygen from Lung Failure. During this time I got a phone call from my Dad that all this was going on and was told she might not make it. I immediately started praying just asking God for a chance to be able to share my faith with her and the story of Christ. Well a week later I got a call from dad that she is home able to talk, and on oxygen, a huge relief. During all of this so many things were going through my head about what to say once I got to see shabba and what was God preparing for my family in all of this. So once the weekend came off I went. Dad who I have not seen in over 3yrs pulled up to the house the same time I did(he drove in from Nashville Tn) got out gave me a big hug and talked with me a little about the past few weeks. As we walked in the house Shabba was as Chipper as always but this time with a little oxygen to help through the day. Immediatly we sat down cought up on old time's and talked about everything from Africa to her progress through the weeks. It became a great time of Hope for me and a day of reflection, as we looked through old photo's of family History and talked about Christ it really sunk deep into my heart. I watched my dad go to the extreme from the moment we walked in to the moment we went to sleep serving Shabba, true Jesus stlye. After a little while dad and me left to get groceries for dinner that night and caught up on a lot of lost time. As the day went on I started to think alot about Life,Jesus,and how fast time passes by, there is nothing more important than his message of Love, his message of salvation. Bro Wayne always says that there is nothing more important than your first ministry, your family. As I get older and see how people change I'm so greatful that his message always stays the same. No matter our circumstances he is the answer, and gives life to those who believe.
Shabba's house in Daimond Head Mississippi
Dad cooking dinner
Us looking through old family photo's
Shabba growing up.
Sleeping after a long day. Shabba has always fallen asleep in the craziest places.
Shabba's house in Daimond Head Mississippi
Dad cooking dinner
Us looking through old family photo's
Shabba growing up.
Sleeping after a long day. Shabba has always fallen asleep in the craziest places.
Monday, March 3, 2008
A Big Ball of Trouble
Ok, I have to say sorry for not posting for awhile I've been battling strep throat the past week. It has been several years since I've been sick like that but I'm all better now. But here is the latest scoop, General Patton now has his girlfriend Koah, it's some other language for Princess. Heather originally wanted to name her Eskimo so she could say Mo, Mo for short. Let's just say I did not like the first name idea. But for 24hrs a day Patton has not left her alone and I mean at all. She put's up with it for a little while but you can only take so much. Patton is now 9 weeks and Koah is 7 weeks old. They are both truly a blessing because we got both of them for free, and they are both pure breed's. She is a Siberian Husky and he is a Brindle Boxer. They are both our favorite kind of dog's. I'm in the process of building a kennel right now so pray for me because any longer in the pool house for those two and I'm gonna run out of cleaning supplies.
General Patton
Both of them Fighting.
General Patton
Both of them Fighting.
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