The Altar's full during Easter Services, view from behind the cross looking out.
I have to say before I write that I snagged this pic from Pastor Dino's blog, but it truly echo's what God was speaking to me this weekend deep in my heart. Words of Life and Love. I had a really humbling experience during services Saturday and Sunday of being able to move the Cross into position 5 times and each time jolted me with this phrase from an old song(The Cross Before Me). When Sunday services came to an end I went and sat at the ball fields just to think about all that God had done in the past couple of days and I began to pray about what he told me. God am I not keeping you first what do you mean, I would ask and he kept telling me the same thing. Eventually I quit trying to answer my own prayer and I just listened to him. Each time I picked up the Cross I was behind it, not at the base or on the side but behind it lifting it up and moving it down to position. As I listened to what God was saying it came to me. Barton, as long as people see what I have done for them they wont get distracted by what man tries to do. When the Cross is before me people will be drawn to Christ. As long as I keep Christ in front of me and I don't try to get in front of him people will see his plan of Salvation. It is such a beautiful picture from behind the Cross, Why? Because people were drawn to Christ message not man's,our job is to present him, let him be front and center, and us step clear out of the way. The Message of the Cross must be put before us, I love what John 12:32 says, and when I am lifted up on the cross I will draw all men unto myself. It was such an awesome view, being behind the cross because I was thinking to my self here it is, now let me get out of the way so we can see what it is all about, his plan of salvation. And finally God gave me a gift at the end of the day, I moved it five times for the weekend the biblical number for Grace is 5. It was so cool how he showed me that, Barton my grace will always be sufficient for you through the cross. Everything you have ever done and anything you have ever failed at my grace covers you at is all you need, nothing more and nothing less. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, The Cross before Me is his plan, and his grace is in the Cross.
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