Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our First Home!!!

Yeah Boy we have a Crib, and not just any crib, but a crib that reminds me of a sense from that 70's show. When you first walk in you cant help but picture a disco ball hanging from the ceiling and a skating ring in the living room, I LOVE IT. It's such a blessing, the cool thing is this house is in the neighborhood I used to hang out in growing up as a kid. We have 54 days till we get married and it has been really cool to see the house fill up with furniture and cooking stuff, there has been alot of clean up in the first couple of days but it has been alot of fun. One funny story my boy Bryan and I were in the office room and we herd cats in the wall, we were flipping out so we went outside and checked under the house and about 5 cats came flying out of a little hole in the vinyl. It was pretty funny. Bryan and his fiancee Stephanie are such awesome friends, they came over and helped us clean and knock out a bunch of stuff we needed to get done before we could start moving stuff in. With only a few weeks left there is only a few things left. It's a really cool feeling and a whole new step in our lives now all we have left is to install that Disco Ball, haha.

Cats in the wall

Bryan Fixing the toilet, thats a true friend.

Elevate getting Prayed over at the weekend services for our mission trip coming up in 11 days. Team Swaziland all the way!

My Big man, General Patton he is now 28 pounds he's a beast.


Anonymous said...


LiL Bit' said...

Lovin the crib dude.

ps.Im bacckkk.