I was up late last night just thinking about life as a Missionary to this world and what it means to be a citizen of Heaven and not of this earth, then the Words Master of Disguise came to my mind. And I thought how much time do we as Christians spend trying to be something we are not in order to get what we think we need, I mean if we are already a citizen of Heaven then why do we let the influence of man determine what face we need to put on in order to be promoted or move on to the next position in life, dont get me wrong I believe we need to present ourselves with excellence, but why is it that we put on a mask, and then dawn a costume, and start a broadway production depending on the people or the leval of appeasement we need to show. Have we forgotten that God is the one who promotes and that if we stay aligned with him then we wont have to speed up the process or worry what man thinks b/c it's God we serve not man. Master of Disguise, it's funny, first we put on this suit that is not who we are, to impress, or to seem the way we think will make other think more highly of us. Then after a period of time people start seeing that image and believing that is what we are but it just looks crazier and crazier then after we have gone so far we just get trapped b/c we want to be ourselves but we cant be know b/c we are scared of what people will think. In the end it just becomes a big pain in the head, b/c we fought for what we thought we needed instaed of doing what we know God wants. Let us be true to the king and Remember that we are citizens of Heaven and not Residents of Earth.
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