Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fat Boy 5K

Well to say anything less than Awesome for the Elevate Family would be a discredit. Everyone did a slamming job. I was so impressed that no one gave up and we all finished strong as a team, it was so cool to see the different things that each one of us took away from the race and the different things God showed each one of us on the Spiritual side of things. I have always found it funny that through trials and adversity there is always a unique story of triumph or failure victory or defeat. There are so many things you could teach on when it comes to sports, the neat thing about running though is that you are battling against yourself, your mind and the thought that the prize at the end is not worth as much as stopping to end the pain, isent that the same as our Christian faith, there are so many things in our mind we think are worth stopping for and giving up but let us remember that Paul says let us run this race with endurance so we may receive the Prize at the end. The Great thing is that we don't have to run this race alone there is nothing better than being surrounded by a great group of believers that will encourage and inspire you to keep the faith for Christ , there is no better race to run than the one for our King.I'm the buff guys in the red shorts with Black hair, eat my dust STEVE PREFONTAINE, just kidding I'm about 2 miles to the back on an oxygen tank pre race nerves got to me haha

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