Wednesday, May 23, 2007

2,191miles / 31hrs 34min / Whats it's all about!

It is curently 12:35 right now and I leave in 4 and a half hrs to Danville. After finally planning my route and having all my stuff checked off I'm ready to rock and roll, it's crazy thinking about the next 11 weeks and the things God has waiting to be fullfilled during this time. I know that he has plans that we cant even dream about or even imagine I just pray that in all of this we as his servants remain faceless and he is bestowed all the glory. As I was praying at Refuge tonight this one story kept coming to my mind, the story of Job. I kept thinking about how God said to the devil have you considered my servant Job, God knew the outcome of this story and how Job would never fail to bring Glory to Gods name but Job never knew where he would end up or how bad things would get he only knew that he had to TRUST God. Think about that, regardless of your situation or circumstance you are in I ask you when the Devil comes to God for his hand on someones life does God sit back and smile and say have you considered my servant -------? B/c Job eventhough he didnt see anything but bad in his future he knew only one thing TRUST in God and b/c he did this in the end the devil was shamed and Glory was brought to God's name. I pray and I hope that God is smiling as I leave out for this trip knowing that it's not about me at all, nothing to do with little ole nobody me, just the fact that the Devil once again is searching, and God says have you considered my servant Danville, they will bring Glory to my name, all my church there, it's not about us as HPC, or about how cool of a church we are,or how we do ministry, it's all about Jesus, thats it, and anything else other than Jesus means nothing, let's Prove the devil wrong and BRING GLORY TO GOD'S NAME. Because I believe God is searching, and looking for those he can say to the devil, well have you Considered---------?


Jamie said...

That's awesome, Barton! I can't wait to hear everything that God does over there! Now, when you get back, we will have to go to Waffle House/IHOP and have a serious syrup in over heazy (or waffles) time! Stay strong!

Stephanie Musso said... are on your way to do the work of our Lord! When you think about it, yes, you are trusting God, but on the flip side...God is trusting YOU to be obedient to His will for your life. I'm so proud of you and all the growth you've experienced during this past year...keep us posted on Danville! We love you, Momma Moose & Poppa Moose

Amy said...

Please be safe. And I will keep Heather company while you are gone

Anonymous said...

Hey Barton,
Just wanted to say congratulations on everything now that it's official. I feel the spirit of God in the reason why you are there and you truly are an inspiration to Bryan and I since our hearts lean the same direction in missions. I just wanted to say keep your head on the days that the devil is attacking, which is everyday for the faithful, and just know that God is going to bless you far more than you can ever imagine by being a leader and a teacher of his people.
Me and Heather wanted to go to the river together last weekend with the lifegroup but it didn't work out. I'm sure we'll keep each other company since you and Bryan are gone this summer. Also, Bryan was asking about you the other day.
We will be praying for you and Heather. Again, congratulations and remember to be encouraged when you feel the devil on your back for you know he doesn't approve of your work.

In Christ,
Bryan & Stephanie