Some of the College students worshipping at the Fusion Retreat

Just a friendly game of DodgeBall "Hey if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball"

Have you ever come to a place in life where all you can think about is the Love that so graciously saved us, so perfectly covered us, and so selflessly gave to us. I've been in that place for the past couple of days. It's been hard for me for the past year because I've watched so many people close to me turn from the faith and walk out on God or just decide that without him things would be better. This past week I had an old friend decided to tell me he had become an athiest, my first thought was wow, what brought him to that place, how did he become so focused on his problems that he forget about the one who could fix them. It is truly heartbreaking for me to hear things like this, my best friend of 16 yrs I dont even talk to anymore because he dosent want anything to do with Jesus anymore, and dosent want to be around people that do, I just cant understand. I look at all these stories that people are writting in their lives and it brought me to a couple of verses the 1ST is Proverbs 19:3 People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord. All these people I have watched make decisions that have led down the wrong road and then when bad things happen they get angry at God for letting it happen. I pray that I never get to a place where I think someone else is responsible for my own actions, Let me be accountable for what I do, but most of all let me be led by Christ so my heart stays pure in this world. The 2nd scripture is Matthew 25:9-13 Then you will be arrested,persecuted,and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And many will turn from away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will decieve many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere and the Love of many will grow cold. BUT THE ONE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED. I just thought to myself, father we are all one step away from finding a reason to run from you, thankyou so much for your Love that keeps me in your arms. I could be one of my old friends but Im not. For some reason Im still here, with you, Thankyou for Your Love. I pray God that you dont deliver me from the trial but develope me in it, someone who dosent know you yet needs me to come through this trial so they will know what you can do for them. Let us Endure till the end. Our Hope, let it be in him and not ourselves. As I was at the Fusion retreat this weekend I was thinking about how blessed I was to still be in his presence, let us believers remember that it is such a priveledge to be near him, when we remember this we will have a greater love towards those who dont know him yet. Thankyou Jesus So Much For Your LOVE.