Friday, April 27, 2007

Test of Faith and Gods Protection

Tonight is a diffrent post there are no pictures, just the images in my mind from a couple of nights ago, and a story that I hope brings comfort to those who hear the story of Gods protection. A couple of nights ago, me and some of the guys went out at night to do an outreach, and street witness to some homeless people in the Alleys of Mozambique and the City. As we left the hotel we drove for about 15 minutes before we got to where we were stopping. As soon as we pulled up to the building down this dark alley these 2 motorcycles pull around the corner and head towards us, as soon as one of the guys sees them he said they were the cops. At the time our translator was out of the car talking to some people a little ways away from the car, once the cops got to the car they drove past and then turned around and pulled up behind the vehicle. When I looked back there were two cops on each bike wearing all black and they were carrying AK-47S, as they walked to the car I herd them load their guns and then I saw them stand at the back corner of the vehicle with thier weapons pointed to the car. At this moment there were 3 things that immediatly went thru my head. My Faith, my beautiful fiancee Heather, and what will happen to her if something happens. Well as the man walked up to the car he asked my friend to get out and come to the back, he called for the translator to come over and it must have been about 10 minutes before the leader came to the car and asked for pasports. Immediatly I realized mine was in the Hotel well that made me and another guy out of the 5 of us. After some talk b/t the cop and one of our guys they decided to make me and the other guy get out of the car, not a good feeling well at this very moment I could just feel Gods peace come over me and I kenw that everything was ok. At that moment they wanted me and the other guy to stay back while the others went back to the hotel to get our passports, again not a good feeling being in a foreign country having to stay with cops with AK'S and wait to see what happens, but again I knew God spoke to me that it was going to be ok. Well after a little more talking the cops told us to get back in the vehicle and they told us that after we were done with the people we must leave. As soon as they told us that our prayers were answered we gave them some water and then witnessed to the guys and then we left. Now the whole time this was going on the inside of that car there was alot of praying going on, I know that all the prayer from back home protected us and allowed the hearts of those men to soften, and allow us to minister to the homeless. I asked the question to myself. Is Jesus to me, the man I call Savior, do I really believe what I have is worth giving to someone else. Absolutly, for when we trust him he will always stay true to his will and his promise no matter what. For he proved himself on the Cross what other promise do we need.


Anonymous said...



Dylan Staley said...

Well, you guys will be in my prayers! I love what you guys are doing over there, and it makes God smile!

Carole Turner said...

Thanks for the updates and the pictures. I am enjoying reading and looking and being jealous of your experience! :-)

Anonymous said...

youre cool carry your passport

Jamie said...

Stay strong and don't waiver! Godis our Rock and in HIM we will trust! I definately be praying for you!

Patrick Conti said...

Glad to hear that your trip has been fruitful, challenging and a big win for the Kingdom! God has promised us much, we just forget to stand on those promises. Hope y'alls trip back to the States goes smoothly